There are so many enemies slithering among us, smiling in our faces, willingly being used by White Supremacists to act as roadblocks of progress for Black people and Coleman Hughes is one HELL of an example.
He was on a podcast discussing the disgusting words he spewed against us in the Black reparations hearing he was in, as he sat alongside major league coon Burgess Owens. None of the shit any of these coons said up there would be said in a non-Black Reparations Hearing, but I doubt there would ever be an HR40 for anyone else.
This fuck boy went from speaking on the collective and trying to stand in our way, to speaking on himself as an individual in a podcast:
Coons, no one gives a fuck about your individualism. If you want to be an individual, keep it that way, but don't climb your ass onto a platform and misrepresent the rest of us. If David Duke or Ed Buck did something to you as an individual, that would be something you'd have to deal with by yourself but not something that involves the collective. The same collective that you don't wish to be a part of and don't deserve to be in.
If its something like reparations that involves more than you, then sit your ass down if you aren't arguing that you as an "Individual" should be able to opt out of receiving reparations, or you deserve whatever karma you get.
The Fifth Column podcast that Coleman "I am Pussy" Hughes was on, is co-hosted by Kmele Foster. Never heard of him before, but he is the co-founder and VP of some telecommunications consultancy called, TelcoIQ. He's another one of those political activists out there that will join the conversation about Black people to throw us under a fucking bus. Click play and hear how he see's himself.
Kmele Foster

I've spoken about these anti-Black abominations time and time again, and even put it out there that they need to be ostracized.
That's not my mission, but you become an enemy if that non-Black person makes you feel like you need to be anti-Black. If they fuck you over for being Black, that comes with the territory of fucking with a non-Black person. I won't say anything now, but I won't say anything then.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, this is about the serpents among us. So I have to ask: Why in the fuck do too many Black people continue to let KNOWN snakes slither among them?
They should be afraid to slither anywhere among us, just like Nipsey Hussle's killer.
They're tools of the devil and they know it, but they hope that we'll be forgiving no matter how treacherous they are against Black people. This needs to change, punishment is the only way these people learn and even then they can't be forgiven and trusted. They also belong to that group of No Goods I've spoken about in the past.
Everyone needs to get on the same page, there are no debates about this, especially if you're wondering when change will come. Change will come when the discipline kicks in and the right amount of us get on one accord with our own laws for Black Society.
Those unwilling to comply won't be allowed in, and it needs to be just that cold because these people are playing with our lives and its high time the game's end.
Those unwilling to comply won't be allowed in, and it needs to be just that cold because these people are playing with our lives and its high time the game's end.