If you're serious about reparations, there is an additional way to apply the pressure. Would you willingly support someone who is anti-reparations?
It will require you to get uncomfortable enough to bring up the topic to those in your social circles, but in the long run it could be worth it.
The same applies to family members, your favorite celebrities, members of your local government, community leaders, and even the owners of some of your favorite companies.
If they're placed in the hot seat, they reveal who they are to you and the rest of Black society thats in pursuit of reparations for Black Americans. We need to know who should be hands off. You have singers out here making hundreds of millions of dollars imitating the Black singers who inspired them. That would be a slap to your face if they disapprove of reparations, right? At that point there would be no reason to further support them, and the same applies to anyone that disapproves.
They don't deserve a dollar out of our pockets or any other form of support while standing against what we're owed. Put them in the hot seat, make them reveal their thoughts on the matter because its high time that we know who we're dealing with. They need to be boycotted just as much as any other enemy if they're anti-reparations.
If we can deny someone our votes, we can deny someone our business, we can deny so-called friends financial support and emotional support.
I don't care if its Drake, Lil Pump, Justin Timberlake, Michael Jordan, Adele, Oprah, Bishop T.D.Jakes, or Ronald McDonald. It's time to put these people in the hot seat.