Do you smell blood? I do. This wouldn't be emerging if we weren't up their behinds like a broom stick. Don't mistaken this for joy, but they're trying to do this for the purpose of getting us to turn our attention away from reparations. This isn't just for Black people, and this isn't reparations.

The bill is bigger than $100Billion dollars, but at the same time they're trying to give money to people for the purpose of purchasing homes in red lined areas. It won't help us purchase land and homes outright, it covers down payments and closing costs for up to 4 million people. That ain't shit.
After the down payment and the closing costs, then what? If you can't pay the mortgage your ass out, and they don't want you to see that. You will lose the home any damn way. Reparations will help us more than pay for a home. Do the math if the least they owe us is $17.1 Trillion, and we're less than 50 million people.
We can buy land on land on top of land and homes just about anywhere we please. It wouldn't be locked behind a red God damned line. These people are playing games and whenever you hear them spew something, you have to be weary because they were against giving us anything in the first place.
Again, this isn't just for Black Americans either. Don't let them sell you that lie.

Damn them straight to hell if they even dare try and say that this is reparations when they're including people who are not part of the Black American bloodlines that went through slavery.
Do note that they're trying to hustle Black women through this shit. Grounded in faith, the faith to continue to let these people play games with our progression and not staying on code long enough to squeeze out a successful agenda? They won't mention your father, your brothers, uncles, and other Black American males you love because they're trying to subconsciously speak division to you so that you will fold and not stand with us.
They feel the heat, they want the votes, and they want to get them out of you without giving us what we're owed.
Swollen Martin is in the same boat with them, with those anti-Black male comments he spewed on MSNBC. He went from Donald Trump Jr to focusing on Black men. Remember that we've been the target from day one and if the agenda isn't one we've put on the table for these serpents to adhere to, they're going to try and fuck us over.
The devil's favorite game is deception, and people like Swollen Martin are their advocates. Stop supporting this clown, he's against you and the people you love. He's showed his true colors before. Reparations are a must and he wants to shame both Black American females and males for saving our votes for the highest bidder.
If they can get $100 Billion together for the smokescreen above, they can get $100 Billion together for a down payment on those reparations for Black Americans. To hell with the dumb shit.