Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Jacob Blake was paralyzed by the cops BUT

If Jacob Blake's MAMMY is okay with him being paralyzed, then what can we say?

Ben Crump, and that other snake S. Lee Merritt seem like they've been appointed to get in the way of Black justice. They get their hands on these families and the outcome is always the same, loving, forgiving, and praying.

The cop was shooting to kill that bitch's son, and she's crying talking about prayer and trying to come at protesters. Jacob Blake's mammy is talking about damage to the city, Black people don't give a damn about that. Black people are fighting because we don't want to be the next man, woman, or child laid out in the fucking street looking like Swiss cheese. Her son made it, but he's paralyzed now. One too many have died while she reinforces White Supremacy to reload to unload on another Black person.

I do not stand with Jacob Blake's family.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Small businesses are dying by the thousands and I could care less!


It may seem like a concern to you when you see the number of businesses closing up shop, but how many of these businesses are Black-owned? 

Furthermore, how many of these businesses stand for the betterment of Black America?

How many of those dollars flow into the areas where we predominantly live and actually enrich our lives? I want you to sit back and really think about that.

We can name a number of these businesses that pull resources out, and bring nothing good to our communities. The police swarm our communities not only to accost and arrest Black people for the obvious reasons, but they're also there for those non-Black businesses.

I've seen the cops camped outside of these businesses to keep Black people in check, and I've seen them parked near Black-owned businesses to determine whether the store is a front for something else.

Too many of these non-Black business are family run businesses building their idea of the American dream off of our support. More than a few non-Black business owners have shown us how much they appreciate the support by beating up Black people, and even killing Black people. RIP Latasha Harlins.

Do you remember Latasha Harlins? An Asian WOMAN at one of those non-Black businesses took her life without a second thought because she didn't hurry up and buy. Gone at 15, and that was one of many anti-Black scenarios I can present to you. That happened back in 1991, how have things changed?

Supporting them hasn't changed their behavior, has it? Supporting them has put them in a better position than us hasn't it? White Supremacy is on their side, so they do have some major assistance but our resources shouldn't play a factor.

If COVID-19 weren't claiming lives, there would still be one too many Black people pouring into these businesses. If a pandemic is the only way to force Black people out of their stores, then so be it. This is the time raise up off your knees and stop letting these serpents use us as their stepping stone. We don't have time to entertain coalitions, or they would've proven beneficial to us a long time ago. I don't give a damn what they're going through when we've been getting this. We've been there and done that with no assistance, so don't soften the blow for anyone else or foolishly place them in our boat to USE our plight for tangibles.

I'm not saying they have to give a damn about us, but if they don't, why are some of you concerned about shit that isn't beneficial to us? I don't give a damn about the White Supremacist minions failing, skin folk or otherwise.

A lot of these people have raised and continue to raise up anti-Black minority police officers, attorneys, judges, and everything in between who wield the same hatred towards us as the White Supremacists do. RIP Akai Gurley.

Do you remember Akai Gurley? An Asian police officer killed him for no reason, and his children don't have their father in their lives anymore. How many Asian's fought for Peter Liang? Don't forget the large anti-Black show of support as they tried to conflate the injustice against Akai Gurley as something Peter Liang also shares. Who pulled the trigger? There were a large number of business owners out there, remember that.

One thing the enemy won't do is mention all the reasons why they don't want us to have our reparations.

They don't want us with reparations because they want us on the bottom without the ability to replace them. We're their cushion, shopping at their stores because we have nowhere else to shop. So if you wonder why some of these so-called fellow minorities in the struggle have nothing to say when it comes to us receiving reparations, think about how they benefit.

They don't want to lose the lifeline that they leech off of. We're the lifeline America lined up for them to use as long as they pledge allegiance to white supremacy. Reroute your tithes and support Black-owned businesses, we especially need a resurgence of businesses owned by Foundational Black Americans.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Nick Cannon and You

I'm going to start off by saying, you can't serve two masters. Remember this.

One too many Black Celebrities are trying to become the next Colin Kaepernick to an extent, and they can't help us under those circumstances. I use Colin as an example because they're willing to say or do certain things to the extent that they don't affect their White borne opportunities.

Is that going to help you and I? Look at Nick Cannon. Don't even dabble in this if you're going to turn around and do more harm than good to our progression! He should be ashamed of how cowardly he behaved after White Supremacy lashed out over that interview. I don't even want to hear that it was Jews and not White Supremacists, these were non-Black people doing what White Supremacists do and he fell right in line.

White Supremacist's USE whatever or WHOEVER they can get their paws on to wield as a weapon, INCLUDING RELIGION. Christianity was and is still wielded as a weapon by anti-Black people AGAINST Black People, and so is Judaism. You could adopt Judaism and become a Jew, but it's not about that when you're Black. Ask the Black Jews in Israel how they're impacted by White Supremacy.

The Devil's Kin is dirtier than the day is long, but they want to sell religion to you so that you can become an easier going, loving, accepting, and forgiving target. You're just a nigger who believes in Christianity, Judaism, or Islam in their book.

That's why they don't come out wielding any of that when you're done dirty by their kin. That's why they don't come down on non-Black people as heavy when it comes to blaming them of being antisemitic. I've never met an antisemitic Black person, but I've come across a number of anti-Black people who believe in Judaism, and the shit going on in Israel can't be swept under the rug when it comes to prime examples.

Our own skinfolk slither out telling us to stand down in the name of religion on some soft shit when its time to show our disapproval of demonic anti-Black acts, but they never tell them to stand down.

Religion is used by some Black people as an excuse to tuck their tail and turn the other cheek to White Supremacy.

Nick Cannon only reinforced White Supremacy with all of that back tracking and then he turned around and despicably donates a bag to the Simon Wiesenthal Center and Museum of Tolerance in LA.

He didn't have to say shit. He could've stayed in his entertainment space and helped his kin in other ways. Use Cannon's Class to talk about Black History 365, highlight Black Businesses and what they do. He could've been a silent donor for the real Black media. He could've done so many other things, and he still can, but the buck stops as the financial contribution because he's on some other shit that I don't trust. He isn't the only one in this shit. Save the words if you don't have the heart and the willingness to sacrifice. Flipping for White Supremacy is some coward shit, keep your mouth shut and contribute to our empowerment in another way. 

Donating money to them as if that will change anything, and he might not believe any of the shit he's telling these people but it doesn't matter when it affects us. The enemy's goal is to strip us of every dollar and it shouldn't be willingly dumped in their pockets, they're already using our people as a lifeline for generational wealth, so how in the fuck does that look when our people are in dire need of resources? It's a God Damned disgrace. I can't forget to include the Black people actively seeking tangibles for other groups and actually getting results for them when they need to be getting that done for us.

Non-Black people run Hollywood, non-Black people run the music industry even if the blood flowing through it is Black. A lot of these people believe in Judaism, many also believe in Christianity or nothing at all. I don't give a fuck if they believe in, it could be Space Krav Maga-togoly, I will always and forever deem someone an enemy for using and abusing Black people. When it boils down to it, they don't give a damn about you, they don't like you, they're using you for generational wealth. 

JW Lucas showed Black people what he thought about Breonna Taylor. Allegedly J.W. has been dropped by a company known as Warner Chappell Music, but White Supremacists can always resurface. Black people need to make sure he doesn't pop up around any of us unless they back his statements.

Sony execs showed us how they feel about us too, including a Jewish White Supremacist bitch by the name of Amy Pascal. She was labeled as the most powerful woman in Hollywood, and we have Black people tip toeing around these people because of Judaism. A White Supremacists is a God Damned White Supremacist, and they shouldn't be treated holier than thou.

According to the American Jewish Committee, Nick Cannon was just on a Jewish Program on August 10, 2020. They took a sneaky rat-like jab at him by saying it was his first appearance on a Jewish program, like he needs to be on a Jewish focused program. There have been Jewish people making money off of him, but I digress.

They reported him saying that he would be "the sacrificial lamb as a member of the entertainment community" to bring America's Black and Jewish communities closer together.

Why in the fuck would I want my community to be closer to a group that has one too many White Supremacists? One too many people among them are standing against our reparations. Why would I ride for that? One too many people among them use us for generational wealth for their kin and give us their ass to kiss. Why would I ride for that? One too many people among them have not affected police corruption in a way that results in the police being punished, have they? Like I said, Nick is on some other shit. He can take his ass over there, I don't have time to be their stepping stone. Read the full article for yourself.

They're doing well, how are you doing?

In Israel, Black people were sterilized without their knowledge as exposed by Gal Gabbay, killed, brutalized, and Israel even threatened thousands with indefinite detention if the African migrants didn't leave. Nick needs to sit his ass down, and i'm tired of seeing skin folk with the means and the draw to bring in big money running around with leashes on their necks. That's why I drew a line in the sand awhile ago.

A leash around your neck is not living, and all be damned if any Black person with their heads on straight would willingly allow a White Supremacist's pet negro to lead us anywhere. It always leads to the cliff of Whiteness, which is death and destruction.

You can't ride for Black people while trying to remain in White Supremacy's good graces. That doesn't mean you have to ride through their neighborhoods with them thangs, it doesn't mean you have to call them slurs or anything of the sort but don't jump out there saying some shit that you're to go backtrack on. Sit down, do what you do, bring in the resources, you don't have to say anything to anyone, and if you do YOU need to learn how to defend what the fuck you say.

Flip it on them, and go to the Black media if you want to do interviews to help you expound on what you said. Nick Cannon interviewed Tariq Nasheed, he couldn't go to him and break shit down in an exclusive interview or a special? Think about that, how many Black people has he featured on Cannon's Class? People in his shoes walking the way he is walking right now need to hush, and stay out of the way.

If you're connected to Black celebrities on a personal level who seem like they're about to dive off the deep end, let them know that they have to be willing to take what comes with that or don't do it. It's good to utilize those platforms to an extent, but they can't ride for us AND our enemies because it does more harm than good. That's like trying to trust a police informant.

In order to progress, we need people in different positions completing basic and critical tasks. We all can't do the exact same things, and you know that we all do not think alike and behave the same but we will all benefit from Black empowerment. 

Think about this, what would happen if your body consisted of only one thing? Do you think it would work as well as it does now? A brain doesn't matter if it doesn't have anything to direct, we need other WORKING parts including protection for the brain. The brain would be an easy target without the skull, and the heart is protected by ribs. The heart doesn't do what the brain does, but we need it. We need the lungs or our body would not survive. We need our bones and muscles to move, and we need the various working parts of the body to function and do their part. 

Everyone just needs to understand their role, and sometimes that requires delegation. If the heart tried to be the brain, the body would be in trouble. If the liver tried to be the lungs, the body would be in trouble. Think about that, I can't do everything and you can't do everything. I don't know everything you know either, but what I do know is that Black empowerment requires us to play our part, and anyone working against that is like cancer.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

I'm hitting a nerve on Twitter because I speak out for my people

Twitter is doing the most to shut me down, but they won't shut me up. You can go through my Tweets and you won't see anything worth my accounts being suspended over.

You can scroll through my tweets and retweets to prove what i'm saying, so what does that say about Twitter? We already know. You can twerk your ass or fight on twitter, but you can't warn Black people about White Supremacy. Make a secondary account on a Black social media platform.