Monday, August 10, 2020

Twitter Is Playing Games, Again!

 This time around Twitter hasn't given me an excuse. They're tying up my @BlkEduEnt account with some bull, so I created a backup @bee_brotha.

They claimed that I was saying offensive things, but I was telling the truth about Michelle Obama's ass over that suspect podcast. She is trying to usher us to the polls, I don't give a damn whether they like it or not. They have a problem with us wanting tangibles, but they want us to hold them up and march to their off-code drum beat. They can burn in hell with that.

I was laying into Oprah's ass again over that cover of O' Magazine where she USED Breonna Taylor. She used that woman, she know's powerful people that can sway decisions, she has the ability to draw lines in the sand but she never did that for us because her so-called friends would try to kick her ass to our side. It would only be an attempt because we put up a wall to her.

She can't come back over here, she's a minion of White Supremacy. She's one of those weapons they wield. I mentioned this in the past, now she has billboards out here revealed by Jason Black. I don't play with people like this, and we can't put our trust behind them because they don't have our best interest at heart. She's foul. I ride for my people, especially these babies. Who can look at our Black babies and set shit up to fuck their lives up if they can't kill them in the womb? Only anti-Black people do shit like that, and she hasn't shown me that she is anything except anti-Black.

When we were riding, she was going against Black people along with her friend's Gayle and Geffen. Buying billboards like she gives a damn. Remember how she tried to use Recy Taylor, I wasn't going for it. She tried to use her for the benefit of non-Black women who don't go through what we experience and I don't only put rape on women because women, girls, and boys get raped. The women she tried to use Recy to benefit, tend to rape our boys in school but that's something she'd never address. Has she ever addressed that and done an investigation about that?

Our men get tossed in prison where they're raped. They can't keep us off of their brains when it comes to sex, slavery, and murder in the name of White Supremacy. Leave it to her to use a crime in the name of White Supremacy as a benefit to non-Black women. Don't even try to throw Brown women into this mix when there are too many Brown women wielding White Supremacy as much as they're allowed to. The same applies to too many Brown men, but Oprah and other coons are in that exact same boat.

I may have gotten my account locked throwing a reminder out there about Lebanon and how they treated Black people, and how it wasn't as big of a deal as the explosion in Lebanon to White media. These people weren't Foundational Black Americans, but that's just a reminder that if I see something I don't try to separate myself. Look at my posts on Twitter about Israel. I don't need to toot my own horn but I'm not pulling my punches, I don't give a damn whether they like it or not, our lives are on the line on a second to second basis. A White Supremacist death squad can kick in the door right now and claim the life of another innocent Black person like they did Breonna Taylor, and we can't rest on an active threat like that. I will be creating accounts on Black owned media platforms, and at most I will post links on Twitter for my blog posts if I can get access again.