Sunday, August 23, 2020

Small businesses are dying by the thousands and I could care less!


It may seem like a concern to you when you see the number of businesses closing up shop, but how many of these businesses are Black-owned? 

Furthermore, how many of these businesses stand for the betterment of Black America?

How many of those dollars flow into the areas where we predominantly live and actually enrich our lives? I want you to sit back and really think about that.

We can name a number of these businesses that pull resources out, and bring nothing good to our communities. The police swarm our communities not only to accost and arrest Black people for the obvious reasons, but they're also there for those non-Black businesses.

I've seen the cops camped outside of these businesses to keep Black people in check, and I've seen them parked near Black-owned businesses to determine whether the store is a front for something else.

Too many of these non-Black business are family run businesses building their idea of the American dream off of our support. More than a few non-Black business owners have shown us how much they appreciate the support by beating up Black people, and even killing Black people. RIP Latasha Harlins.

Do you remember Latasha Harlins? An Asian WOMAN at one of those non-Black businesses took her life without a second thought because she didn't hurry up and buy. Gone at 15, and that was one of many anti-Black scenarios I can present to you. That happened back in 1991, how have things changed?

Supporting them hasn't changed their behavior, has it? Supporting them has put them in a better position than us hasn't it? White Supremacy is on their side, so they do have some major assistance but our resources shouldn't play a factor.

If COVID-19 weren't claiming lives, there would still be one too many Black people pouring into these businesses. If a pandemic is the only way to force Black people out of their stores, then so be it. This is the time raise up off your knees and stop letting these serpents use us as their stepping stone. We don't have time to entertain coalitions, or they would've proven beneficial to us a long time ago. I don't give a damn what they're going through when we've been getting this. We've been there and done that with no assistance, so don't soften the blow for anyone else or foolishly place them in our boat to USE our plight for tangibles.

I'm not saying they have to give a damn about us, but if they don't, why are some of you concerned about shit that isn't beneficial to us? I don't give a damn about the White Supremacist minions failing, skin folk or otherwise.

A lot of these people have raised and continue to raise up anti-Black minority police officers, attorneys, judges, and everything in between who wield the same hatred towards us as the White Supremacists do. RIP Akai Gurley.

Do you remember Akai Gurley? An Asian police officer killed him for no reason, and his children don't have their father in their lives anymore. How many Asian's fought for Peter Liang? Don't forget the large anti-Black show of support as they tried to conflate the injustice against Akai Gurley as something Peter Liang also shares. Who pulled the trigger? There were a large number of business owners out there, remember that.

One thing the enemy won't do is mention all the reasons why they don't want us to have our reparations.

They don't want us with reparations because they want us on the bottom without the ability to replace them. We're their cushion, shopping at their stores because we have nowhere else to shop. So if you wonder why some of these so-called fellow minorities in the struggle have nothing to say when it comes to us receiving reparations, think about how they benefit.

They don't want to lose the lifeline that they leech off of. We're the lifeline America lined up for them to use as long as they pledge allegiance to white supremacy. Reroute your tithes and support Black-owned businesses, we especially need a resurgence of businesses owned by Foundational Black Americans.