Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Jacob Blake was paralyzed by the cops BUT

If Jacob Blake's MAMMY is okay with him being paralyzed, then what can we say?

Ben Crump, and that other snake S. Lee Merritt seem like they've been appointed to get in the way of Black justice. They get their hands on these families and the outcome is always the same, loving, forgiving, and praying.

The cop was shooting to kill that bitch's son, and she's crying talking about prayer and trying to come at protesters. Jacob Blake's mammy is talking about damage to the city, Black people don't give a damn about that. Black people are fighting because we don't want to be the next man, woman, or child laid out in the fucking street looking like Swiss cheese. Her son made it, but he's paralyzed now. One too many have died while she reinforces White Supremacy to reload to unload on another Black person.

I do not stand with Jacob Blake's family.