Clearly some people don't understand, and there are a lot of silly females out here carrying a torch for the Democrats along with dudes like Swollen Martin. Protect Black women by doing what, voting against our economic interest? They're using them like attack dogs, along with the simps that follow the females just incase they can vuck after voting. They got these fools among us all figured out, and they have them fighting with a certain hierarchy in mind:
non-Black minorities
Self Preservation
Black children to the extent that they serve a purpose for the things above, nothing else.
Black men to the extent that we serve a purpose for the things above, nothing else.
Tangibles for Black People aren't even on this list because the Devil's kin are against it, and so they fight against it too.
Look where the children fall in that, and tell me I'm lying when you take a look at the coons and coonettes out here doing the most for agendas that don't even put their biological baby's first. The baby's come up in the conversation when it comes to things that benefit the anti-Black attack dogs and the agendas they're passionate about. That's usually something on the lines of abortion, trying to trap a dude, get child support, income tax, competing with other females, and taking pictures of the baby to get likes and views so that people know that she has a pretty baby.
These enemies are out here going hard in the paint for the Democrats. They're fighting for money for themselves and positions for themselves, they're not pushing for tangibles for the community, but they want your support to raise their profile in the eyes of Zaddy.
Tariq pointed out a campaign Latosha Brown was pushing a few years back, and probably still is. I mentioned this Mammy before because I just didn't trust her, and you can clearly see the moves she makes are for Zaddy. The Collard Green Caucus? Look at the way the corn meal package looks, look at the way the bag of black eyes peas looks. What vibe do you get? This isn't the reason I bring this up though.
They try to push food on us to come out and get a free meal like the homeless. How many of you would need to go line up if we had the tangibles we're owed, especially Reparations for Foundationals? They aren't trying to feed you and your family because they give a damn about you, this is all for a political party, and for those of you willing to vote for a plate of food, you'll find yourself depending on them to serve you again and again if the Democrats have it their way.
They want us dependent and desperate, and for those of you who would try and argue this down, think about the food deserts out here. Are they getting food to majority Black neighborhoods of a certain income level? Don't look at initiatives like this and think they're good, they know the position too many Black people are in and their hunger against them.
Do you want your children to be in a position where they have to stand in a line at the local church of Democratic agendas, or do you want them in a position where they can afford to feed their children by way of the fighting you did for your child's future today?
Stop playing with these God Damned Demons and their minions. Stop looking for angles to justify bullshit they try to pull to keep us down. There's nothing to justify. Just like on-code FBA who agreed to draw a line in the sand when it comes to non-FBA by way of a show and prove requirement, I want to see a line being drawn among within to make sure no one's trying to turn the other cheek when it comes to enemies. Forgiving people killing your family members is slave minded move.
Justifying them openly trying to starve out Foundational Black Americans, and trying to give a counter argument against our betterment is something that only an enemy would do. Watch your mouth and your actions. It doesn't matter how you try to justify it, that would officially make you an enemy. That's someone speaking from a cursed tongue, and I want nothing but the worse for them because they're working against Black children.
Look at your Black children if you have any, think of your nieces and nephews, lil cousins, and then think about the snakes out here trying to stand in the way of their well being. They see no issue with non-Black people getting tangibles, but they draw the line at your children and yourself, they instead want to pass a plate of food to you in exchange for you to continue the good foolish fight of making gains for every other group. Are you cool with that? Look at this shit.
If a certain law is out there that you want to swat down because it can affect you locally, I wouldn't object. What I will say is that, you don't have to complete the ballot in full to do that in some areas. If a full ballot is required, you can just fill in a blank space and write your name or someone else you might like to see in that position.
Don't take a pic with one of those stickers because it could influence others and they may just fill it out not knowing what is what or who is who. Black Voters Matter talks about voter education but you know it's off code. You can educate the voters you know about why it's important to vote a certain way if they're going to vote at all. Like if there were going to be a new law in Florida where trash is collected every 2 weeks, vote that down without filling out the rest of the ballot, unless you have a particular judge you want outta there. That's the voter education. Know what to vote for, know what to vote against, know who to support and who not to vote for, and what to simply leave alone.
You have people like Marcel Dixon out here, Judge Olu Stevens, and others who might be on-code that should be making themselves known if they want support. When we move a certain way, we progress. When we follow the trail our enemy wants us on, it either has us walking in circles or over a cliff.
You're aware of the 13th Amendment, and no matter how the Government wants to act as if their hands are clean, this Nation supports slavery to the fullest. Connect the dots.
You know that Black Americans are continuously monitored, over policed, harmed, and locked up disproportionately while coons and conniving members of other groups claim we're in the same boat. It's a complete lie because they aren't in the same position as us at all, America pours money on them when they may have been wronged while fighting against our Reparations.
Why would they deny us our Reparations as Foundational Black American people? That's because they want to keep us down, they want us in a position where we need to rely on them. As I've said before, our dependency is their generation wealth and the same applies to non-Black minorities. Who would want us up? The Government eats off of our inability to cover repairs as small as tail lights and things like that. If you can't afford a tail light because you have to get food, how are you going to pay a ticket? If you can't pay for lawncare, how are you going to cover a fine?
They have all sorts of ways to get you caught up, even if you come from a family that can breathe easier than most in terms of finances. Think about it, if you get put in a position where you're falsely accused and the police intentionally sit on the evidence, you could find yourself doing some serious time. Having money doesn't stop these anti-Black DEMONS from tossing something into your vehicle or act like they found something they actually planted somewhere.
It can be a crime out of desperation, like stealing a pack of meat, selling something or being set up. These demons are looking to trip us up no matter how you slice it. If they can't kill you in the womb to use for vaccinations and other unknown tests, they try to kill you to get your organs, try to take you out to keep our numbers down, try to fill their lower level staffing numbers with positions no one else wants to do, fill their athletic rosters with players doing what no one else can do, or lock you up in order to keep prison manufacturing going strong with Black men.
People went crazy during quarantine and even with mask mandates didn't they? Imagine being locked up for decades for something you didn't do or something that didn't deserve a hefty sentence.
Don't sit up and believe that the Government doesn't benefit from slavery. Unicor wouldn't be a thing if they didn't believe in it, and with Black people locked up the most, you already know what it is. The same applies to the people who own stock in private prisons.
Who's smiling in your face claiming they're against mass incarceration, while benefitting from Black people being locked up for little to literally nothing?
Don't look at "...correctional program..." and think that they're helping these people. Look at Black men released from prison decades later and have to start life over in a world that is completely different from they one they were snatched out of. This isn't just some talking point, know what's up and act accordingly. If certain things are worth taking a chance for, leave that shit alone.
Don't target other Black people unless they're coons, target anti-Black initiatives. There's a lot of unnecessary hate out there for Brothas and Sistas truly doing good or trying to do good.
A Brotha had this rusty ass Black dude try to steal money from a CashApp he uses to help Black children. The no good knew what the initiative was for, but it didn't detour him for his devilment.
A Sista opened her own beauty supply because she didn't like the treatment Black women were getting at some of these non-Black stores and she caught some no good Black women on camera breaking in her store stealing.
You do for some of these enemies among us, and they hate or even harm you as a result. Look at what happened to Shanquella Robinson.
Cythia G pushes for the abortion of Black baby boys, and has a number of anti-Black men haters marching behind her. Even though if someone aborted her baby daddy, she wouldn't have a baby.
The Turkey Leg Hut is constantly under attack by enemies among us who hate that they have a standard for dress codes. One of those enemies took her stank ass up there and walked through the restaurant naked in front of families. That's men, women, and children. She didn't care.
Deion Sanders went to Jackson State and fought for the betterment of those athletes while getting robbed by decision makers at the school and students. So, I have nothing bad to say about this Brotha making the move he did. He went from paying for things out of pocket and making less, to going to a school where he will be coaching his son and making more money. Deion's passion doesn't just stop at the school he works for. The Brotha I spoke of above who helps Black children, was someone that Deion made a positive impact on as a child. Deion blessed a program that he was a part of in the community and all the children received his shoes as well. I don't know if that's the reason he gives back today, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were.
When it comes to the enemies among us, they focus on trying to harm people who look like them. Obama's against our Reparations, it doesn't matter if he looks like us. Kamala's against our betterment, and even worked against incarcerated Black people who deserved to be released
They can't be Brothas, Sistas, and ENEMIES. I will keep saying this because it holds true, we can't get anywhere with an enemy and our Legendary Sistas, Harriet Tubman knew this as well. Do you?
Don't go at the people trying, support the people trying. Flush out the ones attacking our betterment. It's hard for them to be trojan horses when we know that they're enemies. Also, check out some of the previous posts because there is a lot of information that doesn't have an expiration date.
***You can apply this to anti-Black people whether you're FBA or otherwise, remember how we got to the point of waving our flag as well. It wasn't because of those standing with us, it was because of those acting like enemies among us, like Obama and others. We're down to work with those who stand with us, and we oppose those who work against us. It gets no simpler than that. We hate to see anti-Black people taking advantage of Black people outside of the U.S. just as much as we hate seeing it within, so imagine how we feel seeing people who look like us attacking us while praising colonizers who hate them. Obumseli is a prime example, don't be like him.
We have nothing to do with the White population being so high (according to, but they're mad at the wrong ones if they're looking at us. So stay strapped regardless, just in case someone wants to express themselves in a way that requires you to defend yourself. There are a number of ways as to why they're sabotaging themselves by investing so much energy and time into trying to fuck us over, and I continue to pray nothing but the worst on our anti-Black enemies.
Aside from that, you see the thousands of Black people topping the charts. Please believe me when I say these aren't just homeless Black men and women, children are dealing with this shit too. That's certainly an issue that we have to start combating, but it requires a lot of BS to greatly decrease and ultimately cease.
Another big reason for this post is the difference in homelessness when you compare our group to the non-Black "People of color" community. We're not one in the same, see that and accept it. They aren't doing as bad because they're held up to avoid being in our position as a group, and on top of that, they use us for their gains to make sure they don't end up in our position. You have dummies among us leading some Black people to believe that we're all in the same boat out here, but these people are lying to you. This includes the ones standing up in front of congregations every Sunday.
I've already mentioned this more than a few times, you can see it in regards to the things they own, they have their banks, grocery stores, the government, and they have Black support keeping them from being in a similar position. Asian businesses were calling it discrimination when covid first hit, they were offended that we weren't buying from them. That offense would make sense only to the extent that we had some sort of businesses agreement where people from our respective communities supported a fair share of businesses and trade, but you know like I know it's one sided. It took fear of death in order for that to happen.
Let's not forget about ethnicity. Take a look at the "Brown" people. Sitting up spewing "Black and Brown" every time a mic moment presents itself is something only a fool would do when we have people in much better positions than we are. They won't protest it, that's free promotion and elevation while situations like the LA City Council continue to happen under the surface.
That energy needs to be poured within, that money needs to be poured within. We need customers, and all-around supporters, we don't need the energy that Shanquella Robinson got. May she rest in peace. We don't need the smoke the Turkey Leg Hut gets. When the Asian owner of Anna & June's Beauty Supply hit a Black woman in the face, don't forget the crowd of off-code Black women who showed up to support them. We need that die hard support shifted in the direction of Black businesses and efforts in order to shift this data.
It's not just data, the data represents the lives of members of our community. It doesn't matter what a Cynthia G says, because she's on a jihad against Black men that she doesn't even know. She's against Black men, Black boys, and Black male fetus', but was quick to jump on Black dick to get nut so she could have a baby that she didn't abort? Actions speak louder than words, but I'll leave her and her hypocrisy there while you take a look at the reality of the data below:
Don't let these people lie to you, and don't act as if we're in the same boat. Act accordingly. They're all about their gains, and we got Black people out here in leadership roles who are all about their gains, not ours. They smile in your face demanding that you support them so they can make sure that these other groups are straight. Do you feel the love from that? #TangiblesTalk
I want you to take a look at something, and I don't know if anyone has every listed this in the past or not but if someone magically pops up with this topic you know why.
Look at what the Congressional Asian Caucus focuses on:
Look at what the Congressional Hispanic Caucus focuses on:
Look at what the Congressional Black Caucus focuses on:
Is there any wonder why the data looks like this? I would rather have a non-Black person focus on the job and get the gains we need than someone who looks like us playing a role that leaves us down bad. This isn't to support a White person, we have to focus on who's going to ride for us and our betterment politically (i.e. Marcel Dixon shows promise), and support Black people building in business and heading solid community efforts that help us. If you aren't someone willing to stand up and do something for our betterment, do us and yourself a favor, get out of the way.
White Supremacists don't just come after you, they send their minions after you. The energy for Amazon is worlds different than the energy towards Kyrie. Can any of you guess why?
Still can't put your finger on it?
How about now?
The outlet's that talk about Kyrie, refuse to touch on Jeff Bezos and his company because the mission is clear to "Attack the Black guy" so that we can make another attempt to put the label of anti-Semitism on Black people. Professor Black Truth even exposed that Goldie Taylor has Jewish roots from what she said, and this same anti-Black woman went out of her way to label her Black cousin anti-Semitic. This same coon ass bitch took that allegedly true story about her cousin talking crazy about Jews and tried to put that on Black people in an article originally titled, 'Black Antisemitism Isn't Rare. It's Ingrained'.
Your Pastor might have you believing that this same bitch has love for you and you should forgive her, in addition to forgiving these God Damned White Supremacist Serpents. Your Pastor might see it fit that you pray for them just like Dylann Roof's victims did for him. I have a prayer for them too, but it wouldn't be one your Pastor would agree with, because I pray nothing but the worst for my enemies.
You got people like Goldie Taylor taking aim at your Black boys, your babies, nephews, brothers, and cousins. They hit you from all sides, because there's a similar stench coming from feminists in various sectors including the Government who want your children aborted and make you think that its a good thing and it helps you out financially. Connect the dots and ask yourself why do all these people want your children drawn down on if you don't follow their instructions to kill your baby in your womb.
Remember where we live. Kyrie is someone's son, why is he being attacked from all these different people and none of these same people are touching the White man over Amazon who's making money off of the link that Kyrie shared? I don't need to get into 'Hebrews 2 Negroes', because it's good enough to be on Amazon, but why is Kyrie being attacked like he made it and shared a link from a site that's known for films that would land someone in jail for having them? Adam Silver's skeletor looking ass isn't demanding that Amazon pull the film or he'll have everything NBA pulled from Amazon. Amazon is eating off of the NBA and that documentary, they know it.
You know who else knows this?
Joe Tsai's big square headed ass knows this. By the way, Kyrie didn't invest in Megvii and SenseTime the way Joe Tsai did through his company, Alibaba. Alibaba is an advocate of China's communist regime, aren't they? If you aren't familiar with Alibaba, it's basically the Amazon of Asia.
The money they put into the companies I just mentioned helped to fund tracking technology in China, and it was used to snatch up Uyghur Muslims, and "Other Ethnic Minorities" to place them in camps roped off by barbed wire for "re-education". Megvii and SenseTime are part of the AI Dragons funded by the Chinese government.
What happened to these people they snatched up? China did what the U.S. labeled "Cultural Genocide", which the United States knows a lot about through first hand experience. The women who were snatched up got forcibly sterilized, the people were imprisoned by the hundreds of thousands, and they actually destroyed mosques while making it illegal to pray or even fast during Ramadan.
Isn't Kyrie a Muslim? Joe Tsai has a lot of nerve to say anything about Kyrie sharing a link. Kyrie gave out of his own pocket the help women in the WNBA, he didn't give money to destroy the lives of over a million people. Matt Schrader said that Joe Tsai had "all the warning in the world about what is happening in Xinjiang". This was his response about Alibaba not pulling their support of Megvii and Sensetime.
A surveillance firm known as, IPVM, even exposed that Alibaba had instructions on their own damn website for the use of the software from Megvii and SenseTime on how to identify Uyghurs. They switched up once it was put out there. How convenient.
Joe Tsai also has a hand in NBA China, he owns a pro lacrosse team, and the WNBA's New York Liberty. I don't need to count his money, but you find some interesting things when you follow it.
Shaq knows this. It pisses me off even more when its one of us, because treason shouldn't be something a Black person jumps on like it's a golden opportunity. If you're already sitting pretty and have businesses through the roof, focus on those.
Keep growing in ways that don't require you to sell your soul to these God Damned Serpents.
Shaq needs to take back what he said and apologize to Kyrie. No one has to apologize about the film, but don't go after Kyrie like he did something wrong. Shaq made money off the Hebrews 2 Negroes franchise too, so if he's that upset he should also pull his products from Amazon, but we know he won't.
Jemele (Juanita) Hill knows it, while she even knows that "Black people were fighting every damn day for survival, freedom, and empowerment" (and still are), that never stopped her from coming out of her neck to go after Black men. Why is she going after Kyrie? It could be airtime so that she could get more of a buzz around that book she just released that's also on Amazon.
She's in Oprah's circle, she rubs elbows with Tarana Burke, Tamron Hall, Michael Eric Dyson, Sunny Hostin, Gabrielle Union, Soledad O'Brien, and others he don't get my respect. They can't be Brothas, Sistas, AND ENEMIES, but they're plentiful for the sake of a check.
Charles Barkley needs to shut up and focus on his health. This tap dancing coon can't stay away from Krispy Kreme long enough to lose some weight. If the Amazon link Kyrie shared is a big deal, he needs to pull his products from Amazon too. Kyrie's not the one who took money from him.
Jalen Rose just needs to hush if he can't stand on his words. Becky has him shook, but he also sees the pushback and it's getting to him.
Nike has no room to cut any deals. I might be wrong, but didn't Nike almost cause Kangaroos to go extinct to make a certain type of leather cleats? Kyrie didn't kill anything. He didn't make Joey's afraid to be playful after seeing their parents snatched up to make shoes. This isn't old news, and neither is the situation with Joe Tsai.
They have no room to talk, and Kyrie shouldn't lose a brand deal with them when they're clearly still selling their products on Amazon too. These people are hypocrites, and I'm sure there are a number of people who still shop on Amazon, but see it fit to go after Kyrie. How many of them are Jewish?
Speaking of Amazon, try to shift as much of your support as possible to great Black owned products on the site. The same applies to Walmart, I know some of you were going crazy over that Mambo sauce out of DC after the Rally 4 Reparations, just try to avoid giving the known coons your business. Definitely support those that support the real Black media.
Salute to everyone who showed up to take part in the rally. Shout out to everyone who really wanted to go and sent something to support because you couldn't. You can still donate at to help with the costs, which I'm sure Tariq would appreciate.
By the way, It's not about what goes in his pocket. I was talking to a dude yesterday who was saying he ain't trying to put nothing in another nigga pocket, and then tried to splain because he was basically saying that he doesn't support Black people. Don't look at it like the money's going to Tariq, this Brotha mobilized with other Sistas and Brothas to bring forth a rally for reparations. If you think a certain way, you won't be able to move in the way that's beneficial to you and your kin. Rally4Reparations wasn't done just to benefit select FBA, we all would get reparations.
When we get together in large numbers, our spirit is undeniable and I hope the rally is fuel for bigger and better things. Don't be a hater or try to naysay and take away the wind attendees have in their sails, support. The support we can give each other is undeniable, and that HUGE turn out for the rally was just a small percentage of our people in this country. What does that say to you? We have so many powerful people among us, and anti-Black people shake in their boots over that fact.
These serpents can't object to us coming together for our betterment.
These serpents don't have room to complain about us working together.
These serpents can't force us to support their businesses over our own either, especially if they're things we can live without that come by way of them.
We can live without Nike, ESPN, the God Damned NBA, and every other company who was behind the crime of destroying Kyrie's brand, and using him as a proxy to try and attack Black people. They need to feel that heat financially for the disrespect. Here's feedback from Lisa Cabrera who saw the film he tweeted a link for, and that Amazon profits from.
The ADL reached out to Amazon to request a disclaimer.
We need disclaimers for the things these serpents put out about us.
It doesn't matter if they're hiding behind people like Charles Barkley, Shaq, Shannon Sharpe, or anyone else. If they want to ride for them, they need to feel the heat right along with them. They aren't just impacting Kyrie, and as you know the enemy is always trying to make us ALL look like the bad guy. Goldie Taylor is willingly being wielded as a weapon against Black people, and specifically Black boys! They want a stranglehold on the future of Black people, and her complicity is treason.
This bitch shouldn't be able to write shit like Professor Black Truth exposed, and then turn around and smile in your face in public. She should get no love from anyone who's against her trying to put a bullseye on our Black boys and off the Proud boys. She should know that she has no love on this side just like the rest of White Supremacy's minions. It's just us, so the people try to make us out to be bad guys, only a fool would stand up to fight for them now. How much proof do you need that you're only an ally when their ass is being burned? Do you know the definition of reciprocity?
Goldie might love her bigoted uncle, but she has no love for us. Based on her Jewish heritage, I wonder what he identifies as. There's a weird same with Malika Andrews who has Jewish heritage, and she's also going after a Black man and treating a sexual relationship he had with a woman like a crime. There are off-code Black people, who only see their melanin as a trojan horse to get away with anti-Black BS that benefits our enemies. Jalen Rose just spoke about the woman Ime had the entanglement with and ESPN made him apologize on the exact same episode he brought her up on. Fuck ESPN, fuck the NBA, have some fucking pride, you don't need to watch that shit. Do you? You're enjoying plantation sports and they're banking big off of it.
This is something you can do right now, shift that time and that money elsewhere. You can do that immediately. It takes nothing to turn the channel or buy another pair of shoes. There are Black people who are just so wrapped up in these White owned leagues that they speak as if they're on the damn teams or own a percentage.
Ime Udoka's fling is allegedly a White woman, and she went from being a consensual participant in that entanglement, to a victim. This is always a risk you run into when a White woman is involved, and its never worth to risk. They could be aggressively pulling your pants down in a sex starved way, but let it come to the light, you go back to being that nigger who did something to them. This isn't Ime's first gig in the NBA, and usually if someone can't contain themselves, there would be a history of dirt. It hasn't come to the surface yet, and I don't think it will, but you know how the Devil's kin get down. ANY sex with a White woman is a crime in their eyes, even if she's after you. Who's fighting for you if she flips on you? Jalen Rose was made to apologize for simply asking who this bitch was because Ime's name is out there, and so they needed to put him in his place too.
Are you tired of seeing grown ass Black men being forced to jump through hoops for white agendas? If so, and you're still watching, then you're basically lying to yourself.
It doesn't matter what Black person they hire to appeal to you. The buck doesn't stop at our beautiful melanin. What are they doing as Black people, are they with us or against us?
I mention these people, because some people don't have our best interest at heart. Look at Daniel Cameron. We have to rock with the people who are on-code and march forward with them, reward the on-code with the tangible support and the intangible love & respect.
The NBA could end up looking like the WNBA if the right type of support is stripped away, and that support can be shifted to things we own and control.
This is only one example of what could be affected with the right moves, and the Rally4Reparations was a move that helps us move in the right way when it comes to our demands for tangibles. We need our respect on that side, just like it's fuck the NBA, it's fuck these God damned politicians if they aren't respecting us enough to do right by us.
Watch the alternatives if you need to watch a game, and aim to drive up the viewership for the Black-owned leagues that are created especially. We can't afford to be anything but divisive, unless the non-Black people are working for us. We have to get up from underneath the bullshit and fight for ours. TCL (The Crew League) can be seen on Revolt, and you might see Detavio Samuels mentioned, but Elie Maroun is the man behind the league.
They're playing political games with the wellbeing of you and your children, and people like Stacey Abrams are willing participants. Are you cool with that? I heard about her abortion and economics argument. I hope all of you are just as disgusted by her Kenny Jackson looking ass. She literally made an argument that you should be able to go have an abortion because you can't AFFORD to have a baby, instead of planning on doing right by you so that you can AFFORD to have a baby. Ain't that some shit?
It goes back to these beautiful babies. Look at your babies, and if you don't have any just google Black babies. They need YOU, it's not just what's in your pocket, how are you going to leave your mark on the world for their survival? These anti-Black serpents, and their minions should fear even considering placing a target on them, but you have to do your part.
That's the problem with being buddy buddy and pals with people outside of our group. A lot of anti-Black serpents want us to forget the past and the present, so that our children won't seek for their children to suffer the sins of their forefathers in ANY capacity. They want their children to be able to slither around OUR children, steal ideas, get swag, get cred, and all this other stuff so that they can use it for their betterment. Whether it's starting a company, becoming a music producer, music artist, starting a tech company based on stolen ideas, and so on. Harder for them to move that way when YOU AND your children don't allow them to get near and instead get on guard when they come around. That's what happens when we go around.
Acceptance of any degree needs to come by way of someone showing time and time again that they ride for our betterment just as much as their own, and even then it needs to be on a case by case basis. We've been USED and double crossed enough by people who like to tie themselves to "Black" so they can use it for their betterment.
I don't know what was presented in this movie, but Black people have an image pumped out by people who don't look like us based on roles they seek for films and what they require for record deals. It ate them up when mixed tapes were being sold and making Black artists money they couldn't touch, that was a big reason they did a crack down. Speaking of Rap, they don't have to worry about dealing with RICO or even rap beefs based on music they profit from. That all falls on Black rappers, while our impressionable children get charged up on the same music they use to slander our image with, and I can't forget the films from non-Black companies with stereotypical roles played by people who look like us.
The decent films with Black leading characters are usually direct to video, have a same sex agenda, or are hard to come by. Would Killmonger be the hero or the villain in your movie? They get real defensive when it comes to anything that remotely looks like it might shed light on something, some of these people don't want you going near a certain area/topic because it might be a grave yard. Shame and punish anyone digging over there. Bashing Kyrie over this, gives off that anti-CRT energy. They want it to be a straight cancellation of anyone digging who might be Black, remember it was illegal for Black people to read?
If we took a hard stance we would flip a lot of this stuff. It would require being more disciplined though, and wasting no time trying to debate these people or alert them about being on-code. Even if our movies are released through Black book stores after being premiered at Black venues or private showings at private Black owned drive-in theatres, we don't need their permission or their acknowledgement to thrive. None of the Kyrie Irving condemnation talk would even matter if we had our own leagues, but integration robbed us of our independence. If you take a good look, other groups didn't integrate to the degree we did. Chinatown isn't integration, is it?
They want us to be desperate for a dollar because it comes with a list of requirements that include selling our souls, and that's one of the reasons why WS is fighting against our reparations. They need minions, they need a loyal voting block desperate for anything, THEY NEED OUR DEPENDENCE, they need your employment, they need your ideas, they need your talent. You are the gift that keeps on giving, your dependence is part of their generational wealth.
When it's harder for them to eat off of us, you will start to see more of a change, and you already see glimpses of this by way of just some of us withholding our votes. They're still trying to hold back so that no one sees it as an opening, but some of us already see the opening that other groups have seen all along. They won't tell you, because they don't want you being independent either, they want you to maintain the super consumer mindset supporting their businesses in predominant Black areas.
As mentioned before, if you don't have the means to acquire a location and can't find another suitable FBA Brotha or Sista or non-FBA on-code Black person to go in business with, then at least have requirements for your location.
I've said this before, and I mean it. These gas stations in the neighborhood need to allow you to set up in front of their store to wash cars. If washing cars isn't your thing, you can sell food out front or something and you can work out a percentage with them (the brothas in my area don't even use the gas station water from the hose now, they have a water tank). Customers can run in and grab drinks/snacks from the store and fuel up, but you can have the other areas covered and make money on your own terms. It's nothing for our people to concentrate on certain locations, go half on the necessities, and work shifts. Some locations will even allow you to build.
I'll use a location I know well. This is Big Daddy's Crab Shack in Fort Myers, FL. It's not much to look at, and it might even been gone as a result of Hurricane Ian. I know the owners of this shack by way of multiple connections, and for the most part its like a big screened in porch with the needed equipment to cook their seafood. They require a team to make their operation possible, because when they're open, the damn line is out the door. When they're open, the majority of the cars in the parking lot are there to get their seafood. They've been hit up by White people begging to buy the recipe. I'm not big on seafood, but I've eaten the shrimp and potatoes with their recipe and it's worth the money.
They utilize their money elsewhere, I'd probably up the quality of the shack, but this is a family that lives well and is able to hire other Black people off of this one location. They aren't open around the clock either, they sell what they have and people pile in before they sell out. This business has been around for over 20 years, this pic was from May 2022. What can you do?
Require these non-Black businesses to let us in or put the word out so their business dries up. This is just an example on how to break the dependence these folks have on us. Also, here's a chain example of ways to get money by fueling another Black-owned business:
A fisherman's team works to obtain required quota for Big Daddy's Crab Shack. They pack it up before they wrap up for the day and pass it off to the delivery driver.
The delivery driver gets it over to Big Daddy's Crab Shack.
Big Daddy's Crab Shack has the seafood it needs to keep the business going.
I don't know how they approach this, it could be as mentioned, or it could be an all-in-one operation where the fishermen and deliver driver work for them exclusively. Either way, those are jobs or potential businesses where one hand washes the other. So I ask you again, what can you do?
There are so many talented Black people on online making things for free, you mean to tell me that more than a few can't hire an editor, or work out an agreement for shares as a result of creating a show or film (series) that they're able to sell online or in Black bookstores?
How much sense does it make for the world to stalk us to see what we do next, and the most non-Black people on earth profit the most off of it? Think, and let's move.
There is no debate about this, so anyone who likes to argue back and forth can go debate in a mirror.
I'm FBA, but I love seeing the White Hispanics feeling the heat by the more melanated ones, and I think the leaked audio amplified that. I know some have been vocal, but for all the Hispanics out there who felt like ya'll were one big happy family working against FBA, how do your asses feel now? The same question applies to other groups, and you so-called Black leaders who are more so sheep dogs to keep us going to these God Damned polls with no tangibles as a result.
I'm curious to see where this goes, and what this means for the darker skinned Hispanics who did all that riding for Mexican pride on while the Whitexican's walk away with more benefits. A number of you play yourselves right along with other Latino groups and PISS on your own melanin when you should be proud of it, but that's entirely on you if that's what you desire.
If you want to be treated like more than a door mat for the Whitexicans to clean their boots off on before they step into opportunities that you are LESS likely to get, you better get like us and never ever consider working against Foundational Black Americans.
I've seen, and still continue to see this process where a restaurant will start off with Black managers and employees. They let one Latino manager in the door on some Black and Brown coalition, and it turns immediately into the Black and Brown coalition where the Latino manager only hires their people. You can't eat when they're on that Nury Martinez shit to weed you out, and you won't be able to eat for long trying to feed everyone outside the FBA community.
What Black and Brown Grocery stores do you see? I've mentioned this I don't know how long ago, there are so many grocery stores owned and operated by people who identify as Hispanic or Latino. The same can't be said about us, and America keeps trying to pump them in. We can use this pain point to push against the Nury Martinez's of the world in regards to darker skinned Hispanics to break up that fake unity, it would make it harder for them to make a move. We also need to be pushing all news related to crimes Illegals have committed in the face of White America and everyone else who should have a problem with it, this would make it harder for the Democrats to try and pull off all this bullshit to undermine and replace us with these criminals.
If they're doing something illegal, it's criminal. You don't want them coming over here treating you like the melanated people in the homelands they fled from because they're too lazy to build the way we did here do you?
I was notified by someone that an Illegal by the name of Lucio Catarino Diaz, was snatched up by ICE recently for sticking his penis in a woman's water bottle and pissing in the water cooler at that Westmont Medical Building in Houston.
He gave this woman an herpes and most likely infected others with the STD after doing this sick shit. Now this woman who is married with kids has to live the rest of her life with some shit she didn't have until he was allowed to come over here and get that job to pull this shit off.
This needs to be in the face of all these God Damned Black politicians who are pro-everyone except FBA and all the others. This is what they approve of, even if they say no because he wouldn't be here if they didn't if he's truly illegal. One of the reports I heard was that his status was unknown but he was snatched up by ICE.
This CRIMINAL broke bad on a job he shouldn't have had in the first place if he's an illegal and it ended up with at least one woman getting herpes. 11 other victims have come out so far as this was just one of the buildings he cleaned.
Beware this Halloween, because there have been reports of fentanyl laced candy being on the streets ahead of the holiday. Reports also have mentioned fentanyl pouring in from Mexico, how is it getting here, magic? How many of these Illegals do you believe came over clean?
There are a number of things that can be used as chess pieces against these people, it just takes the right people to play several moves ahead with our betterment in mind. Use these chess pieces that they want us to overlook, because the democrats are rolling out the red carpet for people coming in illegally and harming citizens. Plus their getting tangibles.
A number of Black people are in the dating space heavy, trying to get t heir hands on Kevin Samuels audience now that he passed. I mention these people because I notice a pattern with some of them getting behind known enemies because they pushed some pro-male comments.
A number of these women are anti-Black, whether they're coons like Candace Owens, a non-Black minority bitch like Michelle Malkin, or one of the many White Supremacist serpents like Megyn Kelly.
It doesn't matter how they feel about feminists or women ruining the possibility of relationships for themselves, what in the hell are their agendas?
Megyn Kelly might say something about feminists, but that doesn't stop her from working against you. Megyn is the same bitch who wanted your children to buy her lie that Jesus was white. Michelle Malkin might say something about feminists, but that doesn't stop her from working against you. Michelle Malkin is the same bitch who wants Daniel Holtzclaw free after raping all those Black women, and she hasn't stopped taking shots.
There are so many others, but one of the names I've heard was Candace Owens.
Candace Owens doesn't give a fuck about the Black community. Remember how Candace and her family had other Black people riding for them because of the White Supremacy she suffered in high school? She sued for racial discrimination and had the NAACP out there and everything. She must've enjoyed the experience the enemy dished out because the same bitch is riding with them now. Are you? The NAACP can't really feel betrayed, because of the way they've flipped the community, but I digress.
She has idiots like Kanye regurgitating bullshit that favors the anti-Black cop Derek Chauvin. Killing George Floyd wasn't his first offense against a Black person either, and some of you are so deep into focusing on relationships you're willing to ignore White Supremacy to use a talking point while promoting the enemy in the process. That's enemy behavior if you didn't know.
How many of you actually give a fuck about this White Supremacist cop's history? Candace Owens was riding trying to justify the death of that George Floyd. Imagine you being victimized by a cop, what side do you think Candace's coon ass would be on? Her talking points for men are for White men to benefit.
Is this the woman YOU stand with AGAINST the Black community? If your answer is yes, you're my enemy just as much as she is. This isn't about dating, I'm not talking about the dating market. I had to keep mentioning this to a dude I was speaking with in person. This coonette justifies the murder of Black people, men and women, fuck the dumb ass debates about who deserves to have a man in that regard.
I'm talking about a cop blowing your God damned head off and this nasty bitch making up reasons why it should've happened and basically why they should walk. Breonna Taylor was in a relationship with a Black man, Kenneth Walker, no record, just an average Brotha. Why did this couple deserve to have Candace's approval for the destruction of their relationship?
Any opportunity Breonna had to be Mrs. Walker is gone, any chances of being the mother of his children are gone, and so are his to be a father to their children. Kenneth Walker is a man, but he's Black just like Breonna, she rides for White.
This is who your queen goes hard in the paint for 👉: Kyle Rittenhouse is a White Supremacist, who ended up in the situation he was in because he traveled in hopes of killing Black people. He was called out on camera for drawing down on Black people. CANDACE OWENS gave one of his comrade's nearly a quarter of a million dollars. Where will the money go that some of you are giving her by supporting her shit?
Anton Daniels from the Lapeef Network is giving out copies of Candace Owens' book. That woman doesn't care about what's going down with BLM, it's a financial opportunity for her to get money off of Black people just like they did.
There are even some people who believe the bitch is pro-Black because of this, and that's a problem because they're being played. The Average Man Unplugged believes Candace Owens is pro-Black. Also, don't think because we're taking on the snakes in the left wing that the right wingers are any better or that we're riding with them. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, they're both wings on the same damn White Supremacist bird.
Ride for our tangibles. I can't dictate how a grown person will date, but watch who you big up and beware of who you bring on your platforms. I see non-Black people featured on some of these platforms that are solely focused on discussing Black people and they're out of pocket making any comments about us. If you're one of these people, and you see a non-Black person dumping on Black people and you don't check them the way they'd check you with their folk, what do you look like?
I said it before, and I'll say it again. Kanye West is an enemy. There are people who are still trying to give excuses for this clown. His mom must be rolling in her grave right now, because he's a damn embarrassment. Remember, some of these same fools tried to dissect what he said when he said slavery was a choice, he glossed over all the rebellions that took place. No one chained up was there by choice, no one missing a foot, or had their children held hostage was there by choice. He's a wealthy coon.
Koonye's really trying to double down on what Coondace Owens is pushing, and we already know how she gets down. She's using a valid fight against the BLM organization to increase the favor she gets from White Supremacy, and took the enemy approach to explaining the execution of George Floyd. She isn't going hard in the paint for our benefit whatsoever, and she got dummy running behind her thinking this is deep. He's standing on the side of Derek Chauvin, and I hope the family gets that bag, but they need to get at Candance's bug eyed ass too.
How hard in the paint is he going to help Black people by creating communities or at least impacting the food deserts? I'm not saying he has to be Super Ye, but damn, if you're going hard for something it make sure it's the right thing. We don't need Coon Crusaders swooping in trying to give race soldiers an out by trying to justify the death of a Black person. I recommend giving this clown the scorched earth approach. Check out the video below from Lisa Cabrera.
I saw this thanks to other members of the Black media, and NONE of you should be surprised because there are too many examples of it going on that many of you see with your own eyes. You don't need to be called a nigger in order for someone to treat you with anti-Black energy. Nury Martinez isn't the only bitch on that council who needs to go, but I'm including a video from Professor Black Truth about this (below).
Let me tuck this in there, because how many of these people have venom for us until they start to get a taste of someone else's venom? These so-called Black leaders need to be on the hot seat right along with these God Damned enemies, because they work against us too. They don't need to openly say it, they're saying it by taking greater action on things that affect the lives of non-Black people. Think about that.
What are they saying to you by actively showing that they don't give a fuck about you, your children, and your kinfolk? They only care about you voting and voting in the way that keeps the checks coming. Even if the enemies in the video from this LA Council are removed, take a good look at the people who defend them or stand silent.