Sunday, October 23, 2022

Chess Pieces

I'm FBA, but I love seeing the White Hispanics feeling the heat by the more melanated ones, and I think the leaked audio amplified that. I know some have been vocal, but for all the Hispanics out there who felt like ya'll were one big happy family working against FBA, how do your asses feel now? The same question applies to other groups, and you so-called Black leaders who are more so sheep dogs to keep us going to these God Damned polls with no tangibles as a result.

I'm curious to see where this goes, and what this means for the darker skinned Hispanics who did all that riding for Mexican pride on while the Whitexican's walk away with more benefits. A number of you play yourselves right along with other Latino groups and PISS on your own melanin when you should be proud of it, but that's entirely on you if that's what you desire. 

If you want to be treated like more than a door mat for the Whitexicans to clean their boots off on before they step into opportunities that you are LESS likely to get, you better get like us and never ever consider working against Foundational Black Americans.

I've seen, and still continue to see this process where a restaurant will start off with Black managers and employees. They let one Latino manager in the door on some Black and Brown coalition, and it turns immediately into the Black and Brown coalition where the Latino manager only hires their people. You can't eat when they're on that Nury Martinez shit to weed you out, and you won't be able to eat for long trying to feed everyone outside the FBA community.

What Black and Brown Grocery stores do you see? I've mentioned this I don't know how long ago, there are so many grocery stores owned and operated by people who identify as Hispanic or Latino. The same can't be said about us, and America keeps trying to pump them in. We can use this pain point to push against the Nury Martinez's of the world in regards to darker skinned Hispanics to break up that fake unity, it would make it harder for them to make a move. We also need to be pushing all news related to crimes Illegals have committed in the face of White America and everyone else who should have a problem with it, this would make it harder for the Democrats to try and pull off all this bullshit to undermine and replace us with these criminals. 

If they're doing something illegal, it's criminal. You don't want them coming over here treating you like the melanated people in the homelands they fled from because they're too lazy to build the way we did here do you?

I was notified by someone that an Illegal by the name of Lucio Catarino Diaz, was snatched up by ICE recently for sticking his penis in a woman's water bottle and pissing in the water cooler at that Westmont Medical Building in Houston.

He gave this woman an herpes and most likely infected others with the STD after doing this sick shit. Now this woman who is married with kids has to live the rest of her life with some shit she didn't have until he was allowed to come over here and get that job to pull this shit off.

This needs to be in the face of all these God Damned Black politicians who are pro-everyone except FBA and all the others. This is what they approve of, even if they say no because he wouldn't be here if they didn't if he's truly illegal. One of the reports I heard was that his status was unknown but he was snatched up by ICE. 

This CRIMINAL broke bad on a job he shouldn't have had in the first place if he's an illegal and it ended up with at least one woman getting herpes. 11 other victims have come out so far as this was just one of the buildings he cleaned.

Beware this Halloween, because there have been reports of fentanyl laced candy being on the streets ahead of the holiday. Reports also have mentioned fentanyl pouring in from Mexico, how is it getting here, magic? How many of these Illegals do you believe came over clean?

There are a number of things that can be used as chess pieces against these people, it just takes the right people to play several moves ahead with our betterment in mind. Use these chess pieces that they want us to overlook, because the democrats are rolling out the red carpet for people coming in illegally and harming citizens. Plus their getting tangibles.