A number of these women are anti-Black, whether they're coons like Candace Owens, a non-Black minority bitch like Michelle Malkin, or one of the many White Supremacist serpents like Megyn Kelly.
It doesn't matter how they feel about feminists or women ruining the possibility of relationships for themselves, what in the hell are their agendas?
Megyn Kelly might say something about feminists, but that doesn't stop her from working against you. Megyn is the same bitch who wanted your children to buy her lie that Jesus was white. Michelle Malkin might say something about feminists, but that doesn't stop her from working against you. Michelle Malkin is the same bitch who wants Daniel Holtzclaw free after raping all those Black women, and she hasn't stopped taking shots.
There are so many others, but one of the names I've heard was Candace Owens.
Candace Owens doesn't give a fuck about the Black community. Remember how Candace and her family had other Black people riding for them because of the White Supremacy she suffered in high school? She sued for racial discrimination and had the NAACP out there and everything. She must've enjoyed the experience the enemy dished out because the same bitch is riding with them now. Are you? The NAACP can't really feel betrayed, because of the way they've flipped the community, but I digress.
She has idiots like Kanye regurgitating bullshit that favors the anti-Black cop Derek Chauvin. Killing George Floyd wasn't his first offense against a Black person either, and some of you are so deep into focusing on relationships you're willing to ignore White Supremacy to use a talking point while promoting the enemy in the process. That's enemy behavior if you didn't know.
How many of you actually give a fuck about this White Supremacist cop's history? Candace Owens was riding trying to justify the death of that George Floyd. Imagine you being victimized by a cop, what side do you think Candace's coon ass would be on? Her talking points for men are for White men to benefit.
Is this the woman YOU stand with AGAINST the Black community? If your answer is yes, you're my enemy just as much as she is. This isn't about dating, I'm not talking about the dating market. I had to keep mentioning this to a dude I was speaking with in person. This coonette justifies the murder of Black people, men and women, fuck the dumb ass debates about who deserves to have a man in that regard.
I'm talking about a cop blowing your God damned head off and this nasty bitch making up reasons why it should've happened and basically why they should walk. Breonna Taylor was in a relationship with a Black man, Kenneth Walker, no record, just an average Brotha. Why did this couple deserve to have Candace's approval for the destruction of their relationship?
Any opportunity Breonna had to be Mrs. Walker is gone, any chances of being the mother of his children are gone, and so are his to be a father to their children. Kenneth Walker is a man, but he's Black just like Breonna, she rides for White.
This is who your queen goes hard in the paint for 👉: Kyle Rittenhouse is a White Supremacist, who ended up in the situation he was in because he traveled in hopes of killing Black people. He was called out on camera for drawing down on Black people. CANDACE OWENS gave one of his comrade's nearly a quarter of a million dollars. Where will the money go that some of you are giving her by supporting her shit?
Anton Daniels from the Lapeef Network is giving out copies of Candace Owens' book. That woman doesn't care about what's going down with BLM, it's a financial opportunity for her to get money off of Black people just like they did.
There are even some people who believe the bitch is pro-Black because of this, and that's a problem because they're being played. The Average Man Unplugged believes Candace Owens is pro-Black. Also, don't think because we're taking on the snakes in the left wing that the right wingers are any better or that we're riding with them. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, they're both wings on the same damn White Supremacist bird.
Ride for our tangibles. I can't dictate how a grown person will date, but watch who you big up and beware of who you bring on your platforms. I see non-Black people featured on some of these platforms that are solely focused on discussing Black people and they're out of pocket making any comments about us. If you're one of these people, and you see a non-Black person dumping on Black people and you don't check them the way they'd check you with their folk, what do you look like?