That's the problem with being buddy buddy and pals with people outside of our group. A lot of anti-Black serpents want us to forget the past and the present, so that our children won't seek for their children to suffer the sins of their forefathers in ANY capacity. They want their children to be able to slither around OUR children, steal ideas, get swag, get cred, and all this other stuff so that they can use it for their betterment. Whether it's starting a company, becoming a music producer, music artist, starting a tech company based on stolen ideas, and so on. Harder for them to move that way when YOU AND your children don't allow them to get near and instead get on guard when they come around. That's what happens when we go around.
Acceptance of any degree needs to come by way of someone showing time and time again that they ride for our betterment just as much as their own, and even then it needs to be on a case by case basis. We've been USED and double crossed enough by people who like to tie themselves to "Black" so they can use it for their betterment.
I don't know what was presented in this movie, but Black people have an image pumped out by people who don't look like us based on roles they seek for films and what they require for record deals. It ate them up when mixed tapes were being sold and making Black artists money they couldn't touch, that was a big reason they did a crack down. Speaking of Rap, they don't have to worry about dealing with RICO or even rap beefs based on music they profit from. That all falls on Black rappers, while our impressionable children get charged up on the same music they use to slander our image with, and I can't forget the films from non-Black companies with stereotypical roles played by people who look like us.
The decent films with Black leading characters are usually direct to video, have a same sex agenda, or are hard to come by. Would Killmonger be the hero or the villain in your movie? They get real defensive when it comes to anything that remotely looks like it might shed light on something, some of these people don't want you going near a certain area/topic because it might be a grave yard. Shame and punish anyone digging over there. Bashing Kyrie over this, gives off that anti-CRT energy. They want it to be a straight cancellation of anyone digging who might be Black, remember it was illegal for Black people to read?
If we took a hard stance we would flip a lot of this stuff. It would require being more disciplined though, and wasting no time trying to debate these people or alert them about being on-code. Even if our movies are released through Black book stores after being premiered at Black venues or private showings at private Black owned drive-in theatres, we don't need their permission or their acknowledgement to thrive. None of the Kyrie Irving condemnation talk would even matter if we had our own leagues, but integration robbed us of our independence. If you take a good look, other groups didn't integrate to the degree we did. Chinatown isn't integration, is it?
They want us to be desperate for a dollar because it comes with a list of requirements that include selling our souls, and that's one of the reasons why WS is fighting against our reparations. They need minions, they need a loyal voting block desperate for anything, THEY NEED OUR DEPENDENCE, they need your employment, they need your ideas, they need your talent. You are the gift that keeps on giving, your dependence is part of their generational wealth.
When it's harder for them to eat off of us, you will start to see more of a change, and you already see glimpses of this by way of just some of us withholding our votes. They're still trying to hold back so that no one sees it as an opening, but some of us already see the opening that other groups have seen all along. They won't tell you, because they don't want you being independent either, they want you to maintain the super consumer mindset supporting their businesses in predominant Black areas.
As mentioned before, if you don't have the means to acquire a location and can't find another suitable FBA Brotha or Sista or non-FBA on-code Black person to go in business with, then at least have requirements for your location.
I've said this before, and I mean it. These gas stations in the neighborhood need to allow you to set up in front of their store to wash cars. If washing cars isn't your thing, you can sell food out front or something and you can work out a percentage with them (the brothas in my area don't even use the gas station water from the hose now, they have a water tank). Customers can run in and grab drinks/snacks from the store and fuel up, but you can have the other areas covered and make money on your own terms. It's nothing for our people to concentrate on certain locations, go half on the necessities, and work shifts. Some locations will even allow you to build.
I'll use a location I know well. This is Big Daddy's Crab Shack in Fort Myers, FL. It's not much to look at, and it might even been gone as a result of Hurricane Ian. I know the owners of this shack by way of multiple connections, and for the most part its like a big screened in porch with the needed equipment to cook their seafood. They require a team to make their operation possible, because when they're open, the damn line is out the door. When they're open, the majority of the cars in the parking lot are there to get their seafood. They've been hit up by White people begging to buy the recipe. I'm not big on seafood, but I've eaten the shrimp and potatoes with their recipe and it's worth the money.
They utilize their money elsewhere, I'd probably up the quality of the shack, but this is a family that lives well and is able to hire other Black people off of this one location. They aren't open around the clock either, they sell what they have and people pile in before they sell out. This business has been around for over 20 years, this pic was from May 2022. What can you do?
Require these non-Black businesses to let us in or put the word out so their business dries up. This is just an example on how to break the dependence these folks have on us. Also, here's a chain example of ways to get money by fueling another Black-owned business:
A fisherman's team works to obtain required quota for Big Daddy's Crab Shack. They pack it up before they wrap up for the day and pass it off to the delivery driver.
The delivery driver gets it over to Big Daddy's Crab Shack.
Big Daddy's Crab Shack has the seafood it needs to keep the business going.
I don't know how they approach this, it could be as mentioned, or it could be an all-in-one operation where the fishermen and deliver driver work for them exclusively. Either way, those are jobs or potential businesses where one hand washes the other. So I ask you again, what can you do?
There are so many talented Black people on online making things for free, you mean to tell me that more than a few can't hire an editor, or work out an agreement for shares as a result of creating a show or film (series) that they're able to sell online or in Black bookstores?
How much sense does it make for the world to stalk us to see what we do next, and the most non-Black people on earth profit the most off of it? Think, and let's move.
There is no debate about this, so anyone who likes to argue back and forth can go debate in a mirror.