Tuesday, July 31, 2018

White Supremacy Reinforcement: Non-Sistas and Non-Brothas

Time to increase the ostracization process of certain Black people. It may seem cold hearted, but when you think about it, its actually to our benefit.

Before proceeding, let me share the definition of "Ostracize", for those who don't know:

To ostracize someone is to exclude them from a society or group. Not just exclude, because some people feel that means you can still associate with that person. To ostracize is to shun, reject, shut out, avoid, give the cold-shoulder, and even boycott someone. If you're new here, be aware that the practice of boycotting is heavily promoted. Not just businesses, but also people. Black people have the juice in a number of ways to actually make it effective if wielded in the right ways.

Boycotts must include those Black people who act like non-Sistas and non-Brothas.

I have the posts regarding "Undeserved Loyalty", and I've come back to this topic over the years editing and updating posts (plural). I felt that this was the right time to publish one, even if I've spoken on things that you may find here in the past, I had to define certain people who try to hide in a grey area.

I can't present an argument regarding "Undeserved Loyalty" as far as African Americans are concerned, because I'm in that group, but what I can do is be specific about the African American enemies among us.

Proposed rules on how to deal with non-Sistas and non-Brothas

Labels for these people need to remain attached to them or applied for a limited time based on the offense. If for a limited time, they must put in work to rid themselves of these titles of non-Sistas and non-Brothas in a tangible way with no strings attached to White entities. An apology isn't good enough. If they fucked up to a disastrous degree, they must be ostracized for good.

I can't afford to have anyone like that around me, but I don't want them flapping their poisonous lips on TV either, saying all is forgiven and justifying shit, but that's who White Supremacists' find. They know exactly who to find to put on television, forgiving killings, racism, false arrests, and all sorts of other unjustified shit. Remember the mammy who forgave the White Supremacists in Georgia who terrorized her child's birthday party? They pointed loaded guns at HER CHILD, other kids, her, and other adults. That's some traumatic shit for a child to experience, not to mention the adults, and this non-Sista was in court crying saying she forgave those monsters. Don't believe me? Watch this.

How does this shit help us get justice? As you see, the two ring leaders were hit with the longer sentences (if they're actually made to serve them out), but the news played up the fact that both of these women were mothers who made a connection. If she were truly a mother and not just a White Supremacist bitch with kids, she would've considered the fate of her children but that's beside the point. That wasn't a connection, that was a bitch trying to avoid the consequences of her White Supremacist actions and a non-Sista trying to make them feel better about what they did. As seen in the video, the woman's name is Kayla (Rae) Norton. She was 25 at the time and she is no better than the White Supremacists of yesterday and their non-Black comrades, more Black people have to realize that. Hearing reports on the news about Black people being "Surprised" confirms that too many believe all was well before an incident. Take a look at her boyfriend's name, Jose (Ismael) Torres, riding in a big ass pickup with confederate flags tied to it, locked, loaded and fully subscribed to White Supremacy. There are more where he came from.

As seen in this video and in other cases, non-Sistas and non-Brothas aren't even trying to get justice for themselves, so how in the fuck can I trust them to seek justice for you and I? They would rather act as White Supremacy reinforcement. They wouldn't even dare pray for the death of White Supremacists in God's name in their own home, they'd rather pray that God forgives the culprit and change their heart. How is that working out? Psalm 109 of the Christian bible covers a prayer of vindication and vengeance, so why not pray up that God brings vengeance down on the ungodly wicked that are White Supremacists? You can read the verse here for yourself, who is this verse describing when you read it? If you do the research, you will find that Psalm 109 scares quite a few non-Black people. Why? Could it be that it describes them being on the receiving end of that vengeance? It may even scare some of you to pray such a prayer out of fear that it would actually happen, but if you're tired of serpents playing with your life and the lives of people you love, pray up if you believe in the power of prayer. Even if you have the faith of a mustard seed, pray up.

Real punishment is the only thing White Supremacists understand, and some will check themselves out of fear of that real punishment. Don't believe me? Dylann Roof took his punk ass to a Church where he killed 9 Black people because he was afraid of approaching the right Black people who would've blown his fucking head off in self defense. Who emerged as White Supremacy Reinforcement? DeRay Davis.

He said that Dylann Roof isn't racists, he's crazy. He said that on a stand up special he has on Netflix. I'm not sure if he had to say that in order to seal that deal on the platform, but that came out of his mouth. I called his ass out and he even threatened to slap me as a result. I wrote about it in a past post. He also had some vocal Black fans come out to back his ass up by making excuses and pointing out the lack of followers I had. A lack of followers. How does that make what he said any better? Getting behind a celebrity just because you like the way they entertain you, may lead to some serious disappointment or even your demise.

Speaking of crazy, John Cowell is not. That monster killed Nia Wilson and had enough sense to change out of the clothes that easily identified him as her killer. As mentioned before, he was still on the loose, and who emerged as White Supremacy Reinforcement? Daryle Allums.

He tried to tell African Americans to stand down, when self defense needed to be the first action taken if John Cowell was to approach any of us. He was an armed and dangerous killer and there is no doubt he was a White Supremacist.

The Starbucks Bitch called the cops on two Black cowards, and Starbucks mentioned fucking sensitivity training. The only training should be walking out of the door and never being allowed to work at any Starbucks location again. Who applied White Supremacy Reinforcement? Kevin Hart.

He tried to prevent a Starbucks boycott. As if someone died and gave him the say so to tell Black people to stand down and continue to support that company.

BBQ Becky got White Supremacist Reinforcement, Permit Patty did too, and other bitches of the White Supremacist movement who call the police on Black people. Who do we give the honors to for doing this? People like Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, who went on The View trying to give a bullshit perspective that these women would call the cops on anyone.

Roseanne gets her show cancelled for calling a Black woman an "Ape", and even blamed other Black women for her fuck up. Now that her mouth caught up with her in 2018, who showed up as White Supremacy Reinforcement? Mo'Nique.

She tried to argue that everyone makes mistakes, but fuck that. It's not Roseanne's first rodeo, but I say again, fuck that. Even if it was her first rodeo, you're all the way off code running defense for racism. You can do the research and find dirt on Roseanne, especially when it comes to the Black so-called "Sisters" of a sisterhood that Mo'Nique feels she's a part of. I don't know what type of sisterhood she has (even in comedy) when the ball was in Roseanne's court first to actually stand up for Mo'Nique during her Netflix situation and it never happened, but Mo'Nique is coming to her defense. The other bitch she called sister didn't come to her defense either, and I disagreed with her then.

The media loves presenting questions to Black people, but check this out, you don't have to fucking answer. Hit them with a "No Comment" and keep it moving with a commendable agenda, I know it may come with less work but your soul will be intact.

I had to do another update after the situation with Julie Chen's husband, Les Moonves getting exposed. She stood back and even gave her two cents about Camille Cosby for standing up for her husband and staying with him, but she's standing up for Les who admitted to his advancements against women. She said she would leave Cosby if she was married to him, and who comes through to cosign the hypocrisy? Sheryl P. Underwood.

This bitch had her ass spared for the shit she said back in 2013 or so, and there wasn't really an axe that came down on her ass over her words against Bill and Camille Cosby. Now, here she is AGAIN, standing up for her massa. She was crying after her ass really felt the burn after utterly disrespecting Black people and our hair, and they all need to know that they're on the outside after fucking up. They need to feel that disconnect, they need to feel that void where real love could have been if they didn't stab Brothas and Sistas in the back, slitting throats, and throwing Black people under the bus.

More Black people have to get into the mindset that saying and doing certain things can affect the collective. The ones who don't give a fuck, are downright dangerous and they must be ostracized. If you don't want that, sit the fuck down, and shut the fuck up because the climate is shifting in the name of burning every disloyal person among us.

The things we see are not isolated incidents when it comes to White Supremacy, they're comfortable because of the assistance of non-Brothas and non-Sistas, coons like Jessie Lee Peterson, and other non-African American people of color trying to put words in our mouth. You can do the research and look back on the non-Sistas and non-Brothas who cosign and say shit against Black people because they see it as a sacrificial opportunity. Isolated incidents related to White Supremacy do not exist, its a functioning system. They're comfortable because of non-Brothas and non-Sistas backing them up trying to soften the blow that should hit their ass full force. Non-Brothas and non-Sistas are being used more than coons now because coons are too blatant. I'm a broken record in the post because I'm trying to get a point across, there is a full version of this post that will be available at a later time. I'm just giving you something right now because I've sat on this long enough and its time. The initial post was back in 2016.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Racial Junk - Making excuses for White Supremacy

Tamara Mowry spewed the words "...racial junk" in a segment on Yahoo, sitting alongside her husband.

I have a question for you: Ever notice how someone won't shut up even if their mouth continues to get them in trouble?

That's Tamara and her husband Adam Housley. He works as a journalist at Fox News that's powered by White Supremacy, so I can't help but wonder "Is Tamara taking on this schtick to keep her name in the media or is she knowingly or unknowingly playing part in a deeper agenda?".

I don't hear her name that often. She might be on a talk show, but she's part of a panel full of women that I also don't hear about that often. I know one was part of a pop group and the slit the throat of the first sista in the group, and I believe they did the same to another in the group, which a brotha pointed out in comparison to feminism. I am confident in saying that the majority of you who read this, don't give a damn about Tamara being married to a non-Black man. I really don't care, but if you continue to speak on Black people, there are Black men and women who will start to look at you and wonder why you continue to open your damn mouth about us. Especially if its not true.

If she shuts the hell up, I'm sure the heat will dissipate. She deserves to be ostracized, but the heat will let up. I wouldn't even argue with her husband, because they're looking for opportunities to complain about pushback from things they start. His Fourth of July post sparked up some mess, even if he was strategic enough not to speak on Black people, that's a known talking point. That whole patriotic argument and being grateful to be an America go hand in hand. He put that out there, and the racial junk Tamara spoke on rests in a pool of blood that belongs to Black people killed in the name of White Supremacy.

I bring her up because she is part of a list of Black people who reinforce White Supremacists and their actions. If you'll remember, I spoke on DeRay Davis giving cover to Dylan Roof saying that he was crazy, not racist. Regardless of the evidence, he put that in his standup on Netflix. I can't help but wonder if he had to do that in order to get the deal.

Kevin Hart came out in defense of Starbucks when those two Black men were arrested.

Amber Phillips goes on TV and labels all Black men rapists.

50 Cent was on The View dismissing the racism of women like BBQ Becky, Permit Patty, etc.

Tarana Burke created one hell of a weapon to be used against Black men, but they aren't really blasting these White women fucking kids or the White woman who was heading a sex cult (Allison Mack). Kimberly Guilfoyle from Fox News was even exposed for sexting male and female genitalia at work and put the names of the people out there. There are women who do all types of deviant shit, but they were too busy point at the men. So she got a pass while doing this stuff. I had a White woman trying to hit on me last night and I had to shake her ass off, I didn't see an opportunity to have sex, I saw trouble. The White men aren't even hit by the Me Too movement like Black men, and its crazy that Tarana's movement doesn't get justice for the Black women and men who come out about being violated White people. Notice that? So team Me Too needs to spread that love around and look at some of the women shouting Me Too. Julie Chen spoke on Bill Cosby and his wife, but now this woman is defending her White husband. Karma needs to burn her ass good right along with Les Moonves. They'll stand by their men, but they don't want Black men and women standing together.

You have a number of Black men and women reinforcing the actions of White Supremacy, forgiving their actions, making excuses for their actions, and even telling Black people to stand down after a Black person has been killed in cold-blood. That's why I don't consider everyone Brothas and Sistas, because they are not like a brother or a sister to me and other Black people.

Daryle Allums told African Americans to stand down after John Cowell killed Nia Wilson and attempted to take her sister's life. By the way, he sounded crazy saying that because who knew what else that murderer may have done. Not only that, who knows who else may be tied to him, but overall Nia was killed because her head wasn't on a swivel. You don't have to be paranoid, but you don't know who is who or down to do what.

These people love being around other Black people, they love it while making things harder on us or they prefer to be around non-Black people while continuing to make things harder on us. They don't have to say anything, but they continue to do so (Tamara Mowry). So they can't complain about the fires they create or find offensive when Brothas and Sistas hold their feet to it, because they're the ones who brought the additional heat to us (Tamara Mowry). They don't help with progression, and they're comfortable doing what they're doing because there haven't been substantial examples made out of these people.

I was talking to a Brotha on twitter, and I know he means well, but its imperative that more Black men and women see the value in boycotts. He didn't see the value in it and figured the money would just go from one white owned pocket to the next. I don't debate, but I had to put it out there that boycotts are valuable as long as they're not just talk and they're actually maintained.

Businesses have closed because of vicious boycotts, you have to see the power in that. If a boycott can shut a business down, support can build a business up.

So if you do your research regarding successful boycotts, consider what the shift in support would do for a Black owned business. Don't look down on boycotts, do not look down on boycotts ever. Its a weapon you have the ability to wield right now by way of controlling your dollar.

Monday, July 23, 2018

I want to highlight something: Sheriff Bob Gualtieri

If you aren't aware of what happened recently in Clearwater (Florida), another Black man was killed by an aggressive racist White man after the brotha shoved him away from his car (the car his girlfriend and her son were sitting in). He came up on the car accosting her and her son was a witness of this. She likely called the brotha to notify him of the terrorist accosting her while he was in the store and he came outside to defend her.

The "Stand Your Ground" law was used against Markeis McGlockton for the benefit of his white killer, Michael Drejka. Michael Drejka clearly started this (but that doesn't matter to White Supremacists), and I have no doubt that he was bold because of that gun. That's why law enforcement is so desirable to people with a mentality similar to George Zimmerman. Weapons are one of the reasons White Supremacy has been so successful thus far, but they watch or find it a problem if anyone is able or has the ability to equally match them. They will have nuclear weapons while telling other nations to denuclearize.

He probably would've killed her it if it were her pushing him back. Evidence of evil in the past and many other examples in the present have shown anti-Black people looking for opportunities to kill, and the Pinellas County Sheriff, Bob Gualtieri, gave Michael the excuse he needed to get away with it.

This was a Black man protecting his significant other, don't ignore that because those marching to an anti-straight Black male agenda want you to think like White Supremacists towards us. They want you to see us all as monsters fit for a horrible fate, when that actually needs to be prayed on White Supremacists and their supporters. Remember who ends up alone wondering where the support is when White Supremacy turns its wrath on these anti-Black coons.

If Markeis McGlockton were the shooter, the narrative would've been framed to lock him up by the very same sheriff or to claim his life.

The same sheriff would've killed Michael Drejka based on his own history.

In the name of concealed white supremacy, Bob Gualtieri gave Michael Drejka a manufactured pass, but what if he were in the shoes of the victim and he knew Michael Drejka had a gun on him? Do you think he would've shot him as soon as he stepped out of the convenient store? I'd say "Yes", and I'll tell you why.

According to his own words, gun owners like Michael Drejka would be "thrown down on the ground with a gun pointed at them --- or worse."

Again, according to his own words, gun owners like Michael Drejka, who was carrying a concealed weapon is "going to take one in the chest because he's a threat."

I highlight these things because Pinellas County Sheriff, Bob Gualtieri, doesn't see a problem with Michael Drejka killing Markeis McGlockton as long as it wasn't him in the situation. As long as it isn't a White person being harmed in general, the greenlight remains. As long as the White person flapping their gums to defend these types of situations that harm Black people aren't harmed, its fine. White Supremacists only see the wrong in it when its one of their own being harmed, even if they were arguing from two different directions prior to the perfect scenario that harms or kills a Black person.

Sheriff Bob Gualtieri is on code, even if there is history of him appearing to be against citizens openly carrying or concealing guns. That's out the window when its White against Black and the White culprit deserves to suffer the consequences of his or her actions. Even if its hypocritical, he'll do it to stay on code.

Now its time to turn my attention to you, because learning is always of great importance. You cannot play around with White Supremacists, its time to learn the importance of discipline, the power behind a mass boycott. There are Black people still wondering around like they're in a fucking amusement park. There is nothing amusing about White Supremacy, there is nothing amusing about White Supremacists walking away after killing a Black person. You have to be on your guard, because White Supremacy is taught and practiced daily, by any means necessary. You have to discipline yourself, and come to those of us who teach with Black empowerment in mind so that you may gain tools to keep your mind sharp. Keep your head on a swivel, and get your own tool just incase you really have to use self defense (and sharpen your skills). Research the best Black lawyers who can cover you in the event that you have to use such a tool to stand your ground.

Going back to boycotts, listen. There needs to be a long running boycott, and it needs to be as strong as fucking tidal wave. One thing you can do is assist in a boycott, don't be the coon in the room who dares to be different. We have no time for that shit, we don't need to hear your opinion publicly about how you disagree with justice for Black people. If you're seen and heard trying to go against it, your ass needs to feel the crashing blow of the wave (so help yourself and shut the fuck up). If you know a boycott is on against a business, utilize all the other options you have to make your contribution a good one. Don't explain yourself either anyone about a boycott either, you owe no explanation to anyone about fighting for the right to live and be treated fairly.

Don't hesitate to link others to the boycott either. If you find another company or funder connected to the target of a boycott, put the word out, expose them so their ass can get hit by the tidal wave too. If you can FREELY promote a non-Black owned company's product, you can do the same for a righteous boycott. Time for a new sheriff in Pinellas County. Find out what companies stand behind this fucker who tried to make the brotha the bad guy.

If its LGBT first, then fuck you, you're part of the problem.

If its FEMINISM first, then fuck you, you're part of the problem.

If its ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS first, then fuck you, you're part of the problem.

You have to stand for something if you want something. You can't just expect a White Supremacists to give Black people justice, they have to be watched and punished accordingly. White women aren't bringing you anywhere to make sure you're tangibly benefitting for the betterment of Black people. White men certainly aren't doing it. Latinos aren't doing it either, and you can look at all the businesses that hire Latinos only (requiring that you speak Spanish). Forget the other groups too. Who does that leave? If we're all we've got, its imperative to move like that.

If there are non-Black people down to support the cause, all they have to do is act accordingly. Assist in what's right. Join in on the boycotts, challenge White Supremacy, expose racists and keep it consistent. If they don't subscribe to White Supremacy, they'll act accordingly and stick to a code of ethics that are not anti-Black. If they're truly standing up for the cause, the Michael Drejka's of the world will think twice because the excusers and their supporters will be too afraid of the consequences.

Don't wait around for them to stand up though, take a stand and if they don't you know who you're dealing with. July 2018 is coming to a close, and August is right around the corner.

Stand for Black empowerment today. No marches necessary.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Barack H. Obama at Black Events

Barack's ass continues to surface at Black events. In this video he's at the Mandela Lecture.
This was streamed today, skip to 2:27:00. He's foul for ever speaking on anything African American related without mentioning the situation we're still in and also the part he played in it. He shouldn't be allowed to speak at African American events.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Kylie Jenner and You

There are numerous arguments that can be made about Kylie Jenner, but what part did some Black people play in her success? I want to point out a bipolar mindset, because it often goes unchallenged. There are numerous posts that I've made pointing out the support that too many Black people give non-Black people only to get nothing in return (i.e. my posts about Undeserved Loyalty).

Perfect example, can Black women and Black men who go hard for feminism really complain about Kylie Jenner nearing a billion? Why not be happy for her for being a successful young woman and a billionaire? She's one of the women that you'd blindly defend, so why get mad now? Is that not an oxymoron? You can't go out and fight for every woman, including those that I've used for examples in previous posts and then turn around and complain about them. If you help get them where they want to be, you can't complain about where they are if they haven't promised you anything. Also, you can't get a pass put in place or agree with one that allows accusations to be treated as fact and then have to defend yourself against it. A pass that doesn't even cover you as a Black person (i.e. Terry Crews).

There are people donating money to help Kylie Jenner meet that billion dollar mark, and I wouldn't be shocked if there are dumb ass Black people contributing to that. These people are part of the problem. Some of these same people will smack their lips, roll their eyes, and even make it a point to go after you for seeking financial support for something. I'd prefer it to be something legit that can help Black people but look at this case of Kylie. When it comes to anyone that helps Kylie Jenner get wealthier (just because it helps her become a billionaire) they have no room to complain about anyone else asking for money for the purpose of getting wealthier.

$100 Million for Kylie's pocketbook. How many Black owned business can get a shot with that type of money? Do the math. Even if it's $1 Million each give or take (taxes), that's 100 businesses. 200 businesses if you split that up, but realistically how many people that are willing to throw money away to get Kylie to a billion would actually do that for Black people? Not even in terms of throwing away money on Black people, I'm talking about business and job creation. That type of money won't come without an agenda in place for the sake of our destruction, but it can be thrown in Kylie's purse.

That's why I go hard for Black based endeavors, and if you want to benefit from such things YOU have to focus. Don't dance around what can help you to make someone else feel better, and don't go out being the justice warrior for non-Black people. Also, Feminism can't be placed above Black people. LGBTQ can't be placed above Black people. I only bring up Kylie Jenner to point out and further reiterate why you have to put the bullshit aside and focus first and foremost on the betterment of African Americans.

I hope this connects yet another dot, because I don't write any of this for my health, it's for the betterment of African Americans (not just straight Black men). Amber Phillips and women with her mindset are anti-Black men, especially if we're straight, but when she was on Aryan airlines she found herself alone. She was in a position where she had to defend herself against a White woman that she would've defended before that situation. I bring her up because you can't put someone in position in hopes that you've arrived with them and they hit you with some anti-Black bullshit. That's why Amber was laughed at after that went down, because she openly revealed where she stood.

Getting non-Black people in position and you don't have a partnership that results in you receiving 50% or so is madness. Madness. You have to be honest with yourself and realize that you need to have the ability to make money and giving your opportunities away won't help that happen, especially to non-Black people. The time and effort fighting for non-Black people won't help you, especially if they're not agreeing to a list of demands. THEY need to get the ball rolling, not Black people, we have the cred in place for helping non-Black people. Where is their cred? I'm just saying, demands are long overdue and all of these groups that have benefitted from us putting in the work need to be the ones paying us back for the blessings we've bestowed on them thus far. I have no faith in that happening, but they're still asking and receiving help from the dumb among us. That must change. Some of these non-Black people even have the audacity to try and demand or guilt us into helping them when all they give us are their asses to kiss.

They don't really care about you, because you're still in the same position, but the Black people who go out and help them are enabling them. That's why they feel entitled to everything we have. Cut them off, especially if you want something left for yourself and future generations to come.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Fake Black Leaders

If a so-called Black leader finds it in their heart to put up a greater fight for non-Black people instead of Black descendants of slaves, they're an enemy. I posted something similar on twitter, because they're standing in our way and giving someone else a ladder that we made in an attempt to get out of the hole that White Supremacy and they're supporters dug for us.

They don't care as long as they aren't affected by it or they get paid, like Al Sharpton. You can still be affected, but some of these people are fine with seeing you and the people you love in a hole with their calculated help as long as something is in it for them.

This poisonous anti-Black mindset ranges from fake Black leaders down to their fellow no goods running the street making life that much more difficult for other Black people. These people are in the way, but on television and in front of the crowd are places they shouldn't be without it being known that they are not with or for Black people. They need to be known as anti-Black leaders, and they shouldn't be allowed to escape it. We need to know who these enemies are, no matter who they're working for or associated with, no matter what they're doing, no matter when they're doing it, and no matter the reason why.

The reason why, might trip some of you up, because there can be something that appears to be for Black people and even by Black people. Just look at the Black groups that may smack their gums if something happens to you, and mentioning certain things like "We have to have the conversation". Fuck the conversation, because some of these same Black groups join in to take ACTION when it comes to non-Black people. Big difference. All of a sudden, just like the non-Black people, they know what to do to step in and save the day for people who don't stand with you and I.

Don't forget Black Lives Matter and its funder, George Soros. Straight Black men don't matter, but those like Philando Castille are USED for their narratives that focus first and foremost on people who live life promoting who they want to sleep with of the same sex. That's not effective and does nothing for a true Black empowerment agenda. Don't forget the Latin American network Univision, and they're anti-straight Black male site "The Root". They work overtime, and they supposedly stand for Black people, but the agenda looks somewhat similar to BLM's doesn't it? There are others, but you get the idea, and this doesn't even account for the on-air coons (whether they be non-African American or not).

If your Black associates are on the bandwagon for everyone, leave them where they stand. You're welcome to tell them why or just leave them scratching their head, but regardless of that, the loudest thing talking should be your actions. Time to replace these people, and that includes the fake Black leaders. Speaking of bandwagons, don't join in on that "Make America Care Again" bs, because that doesn't apply to Black people. If you believe if does, you're only fooling yourself. This slogan popped up for illegal immigrants, not you. There was even push back for "Black Lives Matter" and that stemmed from unjustified killings of Black people, that's why I'm disappointed that its a trojan horse for something else.