Wednesday, December 18, 2019


I won't be discussing feuds in this post, but I will say that everyone will not have the same exact thoughts and views. There are think tanks, counsels, and other organizations with members that bump heads often in order to move ahead with a refined agenda. For what it's worth, focusing on your strong suit will allow for us to move into the same direction respectfully as long as there are no anti-Black American agendas tucked in there.

If you're identified as someone knowingly playing a part in an anti-Black American agenda, you deserve exactly what you get. We've dealt with enough, and enough is enough. We can't move forward with people intentionally trying to hold us back and side track us from completing vital objectives that empower and tangibly uplift our people. Anyone doing so is an enemy.

Can you look at a Black baby and think "I'll do everything in my power to make sure you can't get ahead"? Think of how ridiculous that would be. This is the contempt serpents have for Black Americans, and too many of these serpents are among us.

I haven't posted often outside of Future Prep because everything doesn't need to be out in the open, but I have seen certain things from select people. A Brotha was warned to be cautious about not following everyone on social media, because you really don't know who is who. I don't wag my finger at people but even he is rethinking his decision about playing the follow for follow game.

I mention him because he bumped heads with someone promoting an anti-Black male agenda, and some people he followed were following this compromiser represented as an ADOS community organizer. Feminism is tucked in there. He was also following someone connected to a White Supremacist serpent from LGBT who decided to troll him in response to his disapproval of a White Supremacist harassing Black people. 

Take a good look at the following screenshots:

I post this not to put him on blast or anything of the sort, but there are fighters out here trying to link up with the wrong people. Who are they connected with? Look at the response Music Video Visuals gives to Mark Shields, after Mark claims he doesn't know who this Luke Streetwalker is.

This post isn't to jump down Mark's throat in particular, but look at who you're following and be careful because they could be slithering around getting your followers, friends and even family questioning you. You could be completely oblivious to their actions, but their actions may be intentional and they could essentially turn you into a trojan horse without even knowing it.

This Luke Street walking serpent doesn't have #LGBT in their profile, but they do have #MeToo, #Resist and #BLM. They know who they are, but they have things like that in their profile in hopes that you don't realize who they are. These hashtags have long been affiliated with those who misrepresent Black America for the sake of other agendas anyway, and i'm on the fence about other hashtags meant to represent us.

This all goes back to the compromisers, if a hashtag is meant to represent Black Americans it needs to represent us WITHOUT compromise. There are no debates about this, there are no leaders, there is an agenda and it needs to remain that way.

#ReparationsForBlackAmericans spells it out enough for me, not for the purpose of selling anything or representing myself as the first user of a hashtag or anything else. What it does have something to do with is the promotion of a Pro-Black American agenda. We don't have time to be split up among hashtags and individuals, the mission for reparations and other tangibles are the focus and our people shouldn't be divided unless it's against anti-Black Americans. Period.

Focus, and beware of those willing to compromise our goals for personal gain.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

No Shame

I've been online here and there, seeing all sorts of ridiculous nonsense take place along with some positive occurrences. Recently, a collective number of us were able to get youtube to bring back a B1 Brotha's channel, just as it was done with another very vocal and active Brotha.

We have power when we wield it in the right way, but we have to be careful not to allow the devil's kin to deceive us into using it against ourselves. It has been groomed into many of our people based on our position in this nation and the world, so we have to be careful. We have to be very careful, because it doesn't take much to reach the point of no return in some cases.

They always do what they can to try and set us back, our growth is considered a threat, they're willing to elevate illegal citizens and its not for the purpose of helping these people. It's a strategic move to keep any and everyone in the way of our progression, in the way of our tangibles.

This is nothing new, and we're gaining ground seeking tangibles for Black Americans. No one has the right to be upset about that, I pray nothing but the worse on those that do. We're owed a debt, we've put in the work, we continue to put in the work and now we're expecting everyone showing up to the potluck to bring something.

There are people trying to shame us for not going out to watch the pathetic film "Harriet" because they feel that we don't have the right to be disgusted with anything. You would think we were non-humans or something, expected to just consume, but we aren't what they labeled us with.

Never ever ever feel ashamed about being disgusted with the actions of the devil's kin and their minions, ever! We don't exist to make them feel better about doing evil shit, killing Black people only to expect hugs, forgiveness, and no punishment.

Never feel ashamed when their minions try to shame us  either, and they're good at it. They're running their mouth on major platforms within earshot of the masses like it's really going to shame us into accepting the poison that they want us to ingest. You know it's poison, so ingesting it will only do you harm, just like supporting their anti-Black American films that revise history for those not familiar with it. This is one of the reasons why we must be the educators of our own, because the devil's favorite game is deception.

I will continue to say that because it must be remembered, and it forces the acknowledgement of their evil ways. Every time White Supremacists and their voluntary minions open their mouth, keep in mind that it's poison and you should treat it as such.

The killing, stealing, and the destroying continues. There should be zero shame when it comes to standing against it, and they clearly use scare tactics with all the murders they commit. They want us to be afraid that we'll be the next example of what happens to people among us who get a little too ambitious, and knowing that, we have to be strategically moving forward with all bullshit aside. I'm not mentioning names because this applies to the present and future bullshit so that we don't end up like we did in the past. There are no leaders, there are only objectives to complete on this road to our betterment.

The clock is ticking, it's almost 2020!

No arguing when the goal is the same and beneficial.

I don't expect any hate from any non-Black Americans who really wants to be down for the cause either, because we have the right to stand up for ourselves. Period. Stand with us the way we've stood with you. There is no need to try and figure out how it's all going to work financially, they have the ability to make everything else happen so they can pay up. It's long overdue and there are no debates about that. If anyone has the energy to debate, the debate needs to be for our benefit along with questioning this nations appointed leaders who would rather pour funds into silly shit than to do whats right.

Black Americans contribute money to the defense funds of a number of countries, including those that some of you come from so it's not just a benefit on American soil. We tend to be the largest consumer base also, which likely supports imported products from countries that some of you come from so expect at least some of us to show no shame when it comes to reminding White Supremacist minions of this.

Candace Owens is now Ms. Anti-Black American, but she benefited from the work that was laid out before her. It doesn't work that way, you don't benefit from the work and then try to slam the door in someone else's face. That's exactly something a minion would do.

Get on their asses and prove where your loyalty is, they should have zero places to slither for safety and normalcy. Once they reveal who they are, they need to be treated like the traitors they are and no forgiveness applies to them just as much as none does for the devil's kin because they seek our destruction like the minions who are Black American.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Forgiveness adds more fuel to the fire

I don't know how many times I have to say this, but forgiveness reinforces White Supremacy. Not just their discrimination and the bold use of racial slurs, but also the physical attacks.

Reinforcers of White Supremacy do what Botham's Brother Brandt, did. You go up and hug this anti-Black serpent bitch after she claimed the life of your brother, knowing where she stands? If it were some form of freak accident, then okay, no problem but her intent was to kill.

I don't forgive her for this attack on someone that looks like my kinfolk, and I don't forgive him for reinforcing what will make a bigger impact on Black Americans than the collective diaspora.

I have no sympathy for the families of victims once they pull this, so you can guess how I feel about Botham's brother. It's a sad situation, but if his family agrees with what Brandt did, then I'm only concerned with the fact that this type of murder could send a message to other serpents that they can get minimal time for walking into a Black person's home and kill them.

The forgiveness should always kill them sympathy Black people have towards these victims. It's always caught on camera and televised over and over isn't it? That's far from coincidental, because they want that message out there. They want their White Supremacist race soldiers to see that there is nothing to worry about when it comes to justice, whether in the courtroom or on the streets.

A message you never see coming by way of non-Black people forgiving Black people, I might add.

Amber received 10 years, which is basically 5 before time served is applied and the other 5 will end up being parole. That's no time for a murder, there are Black people doing longer time for absolutely no crimes committed. Exonerated decades after the truth set them free, but an anti-Black cop kills a Black man in his own home and gets what should be considered a slap on the wrist for cold blooded murder. So to go from that disgusting sentence, to Botham's brother hugging this serpent it's hard not to vomit.

Look, I don't care if you're ADOS or a Black person with ancestry that isn't by way of the same lineage, you are not helping yourself or the rest of us when you forgive these serpents. It's disgraceful and you should be ashamed. 

He should've left her with words that rendered her unable to sleep at night, they need to know who NOT to fuck with. Instead they get forgiveness that tells them "It's okay", when it's not. 

No matter what you believe, forgiveness has never ever loosened the noose around the necks of Black people.

It's reported that Brandt Jean even told Amber Guyger "I forgive you. Go to God... I don't even want you to go to jail because that's what Botham would want." If that's true, that's enemy behavior. The forgiveness was bad enough, but wanting her to go free, he stands with his brother's killer against us.

Judge Tammy Kemp also displayed enemy behavior by hugging this serpent, as if she's the victim. She's not wearing the rob just to wear the rob, they planted her there for a reason. When have you known a judge to step down from the bench to go hug a murderer of an innocent person? It always someone who looks like us, but they will continue these disgusting acts of betrayal until they're ostracized along with anyone willing to stand with them.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Black Society's Dead Weight Class

I'm sure you've seen the efforts of Tyrone Mahummad by now, and you may be on one side or the other about his actions. Although I don't have any hate towards the Brotha, I thought his actions were not wise. At the same time, I still find his actions to be a teachable moment for some of you.

Here is the full video from Tyrone's Youtube account:

For those of you who took the time to see the video, you see that he was arrested. I know he went proudly, but those are charges on his record that the anti-Black legal system will use against him. He was arrested this time around, but what might happen next time?

I'm not saying this to say that he should be ashamed of the message he wanted to send. I'm saying this to say that result of his actions proved his actions to be a waste of time.

If Tyrone were killed by the cops as a result of breaking those store windows, do you really think that nail shop would be empty after they reopened for business? Hell no. There would still be too many pathetic women in the community going in there to get their nails done.

In Black Society, these women are part of the dead weight class. These are the ones receiving undeserved loyalty from certain active Brothas like Tyrone Muhammad.

Strategists are a priceless commodity, and if Tyrone Muhammad had one, I don't think this would've been done unless it were to point out the dead weight class.

These are the people who reinforce the actions of anti-Black people, and if you've been subscribed to this blog for some time then you know that I've mentioned them a lot. Whether they're caught forgiving anti-Black serpents on TV, telling other to stand down as a result of a serpents actions, making arguments as to why we shouldn't receive reparations or otherwise.

The dead weight class in Black Society works against us almost as if they're receiving instructions from Willie Lynch himself. So even if these women aren't somewhere going super coon like Burgess Owens, they're part of the problem because they make it difficult to send messages to the anti-Black serpents out here that overtly (and covertly) mistreat and physical harm them and other members of the community.

Why should they be afraid when the money they came to extract from the community continues to flow into their pockets no matter what in the hell they do?

You can get mad, you can talk about it on social media, you can protest, you can bust their windows out and do everything beyond threatening bodily harm but it means nothing without the action that matters. Boycotts matter, because the money is the main factor and motivation for them to be there in the first God damned place.

Tyrone Muhammad isn't the type of guy I see going into this nail salon, so I don't see them giving a damn about him being upset and breaking their windows. The women sitting their asses in those seats every time they get a dollar are the ones who need to be active.

Don't forget the fact that a Brotha went out there and put his life on the line, and was likely bailed out by everyone except the Black women in that shop, only to have them spit in his face by going right back. They support the mistreatment of Black women, they support the assault of Black women, just like the women who lined up in from of that beauty supply store after a Black women was hit in her face and left bleeding.

Save the arguments about Black men not standing up for Black women, because I've proven in the past that it wasn't true. I've also pointed out reasons why it's hard to do so for the collective, compared to those that I stand up for. You can look back on the info yourself, and may it help further reinforce the fact that there is power we do have that is not being properly wielded because of the dead weight class.

This is how they want us to be, and this is who they want us to be led by. The dead weight class must feel the effects of being dead weight, they continue to do the things they do because they aren't losing anything. Enabling them, must also end and may the domino effect affect the anti-Black serpents they support.

The key demographics that matter to these businesses must be the ones who are active the most. Your money and support matters.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Chicken Sandwiches and You

I refuse to promote Popeyes in my header, or any of the other non-Black owned companies out there seeking Black attention.

This chicken sandwich push is yet another method on "How To Sell The Negro", and too many Black people don't see it. I'm not blowing up on anyone going out to get the sandwich, sometimes that's all there is in an area at a given time and you may need lunch at that time. I can't dictate where you spend your money, but you should reevaluate how it impacts you, your family, and your overall kin.

I want to highlight something about Popeyes, but just consider it a placeholder for any non-Black business. How many hands has the restaurant chain been passed to? How many of those hands belong to you or I?

Cheryl Bachelder is a White woman, and owned Popeyes from 2007 to 2017. Popeyes is currently a subsidiary of Restaurant Brands International out of Toronto, Canada.

3G Capital is majority owner of R.B.I., Pershing Square, and Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway are owners.

These companies have their hands in many companies. Berkshire Hathaway was specifically investigated for discriminatory lending and collection practices that targeted what the investigation listed as minorities. The report also claimed that the Berkshire Hathaway's Clayton Homes company condoned racism, which also was used against employees at the company.

You may ask why i'm going this far off subject, but this is one of the owners of R.B.I. which owned the Popeyes restaurant chain.

It's most certainly not the Black woman you see in the commercials. She might say "My Chicken", but it's not her chicken, it's their chicken with a recipe they likely stole. They just learned how to sell the negro on their agendas by using a Black face as the spokesperson.

So now that some of you know that Deidrie Henry isn't the owner of the company, i'll take it a little further. They didn't scoop up a Black Louisiana native to sell this chicken either. Not only is Deidrie Henry not from Louisiana, she wasn't born in the United States. She was actually born in Barbados.

So remember all this the next time you see a commercial, and hear the hired actress doing her job for this White-owned chicken chain. Other companies have jumped on the bandwagon tryna talk a certain way thankin it's gon make Black people wanna go by their food, and that should really tell you something. First of all it should be offensive, but they've took to mocking Black people just as many have in the past and it's going unnoticed and unchecked.

These are White owned restaurant chains, talking in the most stereotypical way possible in order to sell us on their products.

Groom your child(ren) to have an interest in business ownership, and instill a desire to support Black owned businesses. Not only that, drive home the importance to keep those businesses in the family or at least in the hands of Black people. It's important, and the seeds have to be planted. Consider the silly destructive things the weeds in that garden. I'm not talking about the puff puff pass BS, i'm talking about the weeds that must be pulled so that they don't prevent the growth of those seeds that were planted.

If you don't have the means to build it and pass it on to them, at least helping them bypass your pitfalls and basic pitfalls can help them enrich their life and the lives of people in our communities. I say that to say, if there are enough seeds sewn, there could be a true replacement for these White-owned chains. They don't survive in our communities for nothing, and those resources can be shifted right back where they belong.

So I don't judge anyone going to buy these chicken sandwiches, but look at what these non-Black people are doing. Look at what too many foolish Black people have done to freely promote this chicken sandwich, and learn the power of our marketing abilities. That would reflect positively on Black-owned businesses if done right, followed by the financial backing given to these non-Black businesses.

There were and probably still are Black people fighting in Popeyes locations out of anger that the chicken sandwich was sold out. That's something to be ashamed of, and the fools doing it are part of the problem. Instead of fighting to give non-Black businesses their money, they could have tried to find a Black-owned restaurant in the area and experience one of their signature dishes.

If you take anything away from this, take away the promotion to groom your children for business and supporting the businesses of their kin. Not just basic business, the ins and outs are imperative (bills, taxes, overhead, expansion, and more). Also, running a business that's clean and inviting to patrons is a must, which must include good customer service. All paying customers should be welcomed just like any non-Black establishment, the only difference is where the resources from that financial support would be going.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Undeserved Loyalty: Give and Take

It's time to switch things up, I don't post often because a lot of my previous posts apply to things in the past, present, and future. You might not be able to afford a billboard sign, but the right messages for Black Americans can also be put on yard signs in the community too. There are numerous ways to sound off without a social platform trying to block our message.

Black Americans, ask yourselves these questions:

Do you think it's right that our ancestors were forced into slavery?

Do you think they had a good time working in those fields being beaten, raped, tortured, decapitated, and literally worked to death in too many cases?

Do you think that it would be a great experience to be castrated?

What about being tied up and burned alive or hung? Sound fun or fucked up?

You don't need to know every single bit of history to know that the devil's kin were making our ancestors lives a living hell and have made it their mission in life to continue that tradition into the present day.

How far have we come and how far do we have to go in order for more Black Americans to actually get the message and understand it without out being naysayers and saboteurs for something that would actually benefit them?

I've mentioned this before and i'll say it again, the skinfolk that look like us and work against our best interest are not people we can afford to have in our lives. They don't deserve understanding or any of the sort, and it doesn't matter if they're a cousin or otherwise.

If your family or friends are against us receiving reparations, do you think that's right?

Some might say "It's not right, BUT" and i'd have to say there is no but. You have people willfully standing with the opposition against our betterment, does that sound like someone you should consider family, friends, or foes?

Everyone must be on code on the home front, and the same must apply to your circle. No need to argue, there are no debates about it, it's just high time the allegiance is applied to the right people.
The Congressional "Black" Caucus is already exposed as a Trojan horse, they're the Congressional Immigrant Caucus and the name should be changed so that they can stop with the roadblocks and misrepresentation of Black Americans. If they slither up to you seeking donations, tell them to go to hell because they want your resources to help non-Black Americans while passing us by.

The Congressional Black American Caucus has a nice ring to it.

This may seem divisive, but just like I've pointed out in many cases of undeserved loyalty, how many non-Black American groups are divisive with us while using us at the same time? The Congressional Black Caucus covers the needs of immigrants while neglecting us. Look at how they yelled and cried during the ice raids, when we don't even hear a damn peep out of the God Damned pieces of shit when Black Americans are blown away. There are members like Kamala Harris (who conveniently came on in 2017) that have separated Black families through incarceration, so you know they really have some nerve.

Do they invest any of that energy into corralling everyone up to push for us to receive reparations? Hell no they don't, so it's the same situation of people coming to our potluck to eat off of Black American support, which they shouldn't get without giving anything in return.

It was never give and take, its just take and take from Black Americans for far too many which is why we don't have comparable resources. Black Americans have been A-1 since day one, our work sweat and tears, building the nation, creating inventions that were stolen, fighting for injustice that benefits others more than us, and you still have a large majority of people giving us their ass to kiss.

Since it was never give and take, you know what it has to be now for the betterment of Black Americans. Reparations are a must and we can't be bashful about expecting true support in return for the non-stop support we give. We literally have non-Black American business thriving in areas where the majority of us living and they're thriving without giving anything back. Most don't even hire Black Americans and won't shop at our businesses.

Do you want reparations? It's time to ransom off our support for it in as many ways possible. If someone wants your business, you need their support. Nike should be lobbying heavy for our reparations. Before I go, be specific with the hashtag, because anyone can take #Reparations and use all that thunder for their group. After the unified decision to provide Gay Reparations, I switched to #ReparationsForBlackAmericans.

I urge you to take a look at this list of members in the Congressional Anti-Black American Caucus and do some digging. What are they doing for the majority Black community in the area? Also just like other groups have their little setups, don't be bashful about having something for Black Americans. There are numerous groups that will even include Black Americans so that they can receive more funding, did you know that? Look at, that's all about the betterment of Latinos but I know for a fact that they include Black students so that they can get the additional funding. 

Black owned organizations need to be the ones receiving the funding to make a positive impact on Black youth, they can't be add-ons of someone else's movement to ultimately help their people.

We have to know what our numbers look like, who shares the desire for a reciprocal relationship and we can go from there.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Henrietta Lacks & Reparations

If you aren't familiar with Henrietta Lacks, do your research on her. She died in 1951, she was only 31. She's a foundational Black American woman who helped people in the past, present, and will continue helping people in the future from beyond the grave.

You may be asking how she's doing that, and it's based on White people stealing her DNA because they outlived the other ones that they stole. They were obtained through the Johns Hopkins Hospital where she went for treatment.

HeLa (a play on her name) are the cells they continue to use to study the affects on viruses, drugs, hormones and other things. They use these instead of experimenting on people the way they did with our ancestors, but i'm pretty sure experiments continue.

Her cells have been used to help them learn how virus's work, the effects of radiation and more. If they didn't steal her cells, there wouldn't be a polio vaccine. The courts ruled that a person's discarded tissue and cells are not their property, and able to be commercialized. The family didn't know what these crooks did until these thieves published her DNA sequence and someone informed them about it. That was 2013, and her family continues the fight.

I mention her, because Henrietta made a huge contribution to the world, and many other foundational Black Americans have done so in many other groundbreaking ways. I can't forget about our enslaved ancestors either who made the United States a super power, and these devils who unleashed hell on earth have the nerve to try and tell us what they don't owe? Bitch please.

Damn near everywhere you look, foundational Black Americans and our enslaved ancestors have shed blood, sweat, and tears only to have it packaged, marketed and sold by our oppressors. Who benefited from this? Nearly the entire world. This holds especially true for America, so don't hesitate to use this as a reminder to throw up in the faces of these disease ridden White Supremacists busy destroying the planet while maintaining an attitude of great disrespect.

Reparations and other tangibles are what we're owed without a shadow of a doubt. Anyone claiming to stand with us, have to be up on this too, because they've benefited in so many ways. That benefit can be seen, but some is also unseen.

This is also one of the reasons they don't want us to receive reparations, they want access to us and our bodies. They want us desperate willing to do anything for money, which includes giving away our priceless bodily resources. There are quite a few Black men and women struggling to make ends meet to the point that they're regulars at blood banks and plasma centers, and these places make billions while tossing them a couple of dollars or some movie tickets.

Here is a little something from Future Prep:

I cannot repeat this enough, do not share your DNA. This post just reminded me to say that again. Anti-Black people benefit off of us enough. I can't make you not have a relationship with a White person and I have never shamed anyone I saw with one, but there are too many anti-Black people out here to take the chance for me. Like I've said before, I won't say anything about your relationship but if you end up with the wrong one, I won't say anything if you end up burned either.

It gets more critical when children are involved. What happens when you have children with a potentially anti-Black person, you're reinforcing their DNA through your offspring. You're extending the life of White Supremacy with your DNA if that child becomes a self hating weapon wielded against Black people.

If they become a weapon, you're giving them your strength that may have come by way of our ancestors being forced to sleep together like they were animals. They were deemed animals, and a lot of these people still try to call us that to this day, even if DNA proves otherwise. Either way, don't let them benefit and potentially use it against you, there are enough of these trojan horses to deal with now.

Having children with potential White Supremacists also give them offspring with melanin that allows them to survive in the sun longer. I don't know who is a potential White Supremacist or not, but the safest gamble is not gambling at all. Ask questions on questions and do your research if you're going to make that move, there are too many anti-Black people with children from Black people and my heart goes out to these children for what they're going to endure and possibly become. Don't put a child in that position, i'd hate for them to be turned into the opposition. It's never set in stone, but it's hard to determine what's a double edged sword and what's not. Be careful.

You even have to take it a step further by not getting involved with anyone you identify as a coon. The all lives matter crowd are in that bag too, you can never be too sure, so it doesn't hurt to be careful, ask questions, observe, and research. You'd benefit doing this with any potential person you date, sleep with, plan to marry, and eventually have children with.

You will benefit in the long run with principles, even if they feel like they limit your choices.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Kamala Harris $100 Billion Dollar Homeownership Plan

Do you smell blood? I do. This wouldn't be emerging if we weren't up their behinds like a broom stick. Don't mistaken this for joy, but they're trying to do this for the purpose of getting us to turn our attention away from reparations. This isn't just for Black people, and this isn't reparations.

The bill is bigger than $100Billion dollars, but at the same time they're trying to give money to people for the purpose of purchasing homes in red lined areas. It won't help us purchase land and homes outright, it covers down payments and closing costs for up to 4 million people. That ain't shit.

After the down payment and the closing costs, then what? If you can't pay the mortgage your ass out, and they don't want you to see that. You will lose the home any damn way. Reparations will help us more than pay for a home. Do the math if the least they owe us is $17.1 Trillion, and we're less than 50 million people.

We can buy land on land on top of land and homes just about anywhere we please. It wouldn't be locked behind a red God damned line. These people are playing games and whenever you hear them spew something, you have to be weary because they were against giving us anything in the first place.

Again, this isn't just for Black Americans either. Don't let them sell you that lie.

Damn them straight to hell if they even dare try and say that this is reparations when they're including people who are not part of the Black American bloodlines that went through slavery.

Do note that they're trying to hustle Black women through this shit. Grounded in faith, the faith to continue to let these people play games with our progression and not staying on code long enough to squeeze out a successful agenda? They won't mention your father, your brothers, uncles, and other Black American males you love because they're trying to subconsciously speak division to you so that you will fold and not stand with us.

They feel the heat, they want the votes, and they want to get them out of you without giving us what we're owed.

Swollen Martin is in the same boat with them, with those anti-Black male comments he spewed on MSNBC. He went from Donald Trump Jr to focusing on Black men. Remember that we've been the target from day one and if the agenda isn't one we've put on the table for these serpents to adhere to, they're going to try and fuck us over.

The devil's favorite game is deception, and people like Swollen Martin are their advocates. Stop supporting this clown, he's against you and the people you love. He's showed his true colors before. Reparations are a must and he wants to shame both Black American females and males for saving our votes for the highest bidder.

If they can get $100 Billion together for the smokescreen above, they can get $100 Billion together for a down payment on those reparations for Black Americans. To hell with the dumb shit.

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Hot Seat

If you're serious about reparations, there is an additional way to apply the pressure. Would you willingly support someone who is anti-reparations?

It will require you to get uncomfortable enough to bring up the topic to those in your social circles, but in the long run it could be worth it.

The same applies to family members, your favorite celebrities, members of your local government, community leaders, and even the owners of some of your favorite companies.

If they're placed in the hot seat, they reveal who they are to you and the rest of Black society thats in pursuit of reparations for Black Americans. We need to know who should be hands off. You have singers out here making hundreds of millions of dollars imitating the Black singers who inspired them. That would be a slap to your face if they disapprove of reparations, right? At that point there would be no reason to further support them, and the same applies to anyone that disapproves.

They don't deserve a dollar out of our pockets or any other form of support while standing against what we're owed. Put them in the hot seat, make them reveal their thoughts on the matter because its high time that we know who we're dealing with. They need to be boycotted just as much as any other enemy if they're anti-reparations.

If we can deny someone our votes, we can deny someone our business, we can deny so-called friends financial support and emotional support.

I don't care if its Drake, Lil Pump, Justin Timberlake, Michael Jordan, Adele, Oprah, Bishop T.D.Jakes, or Ronald McDonald. It's time to put these people in the hot seat.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Anti-Black MISrepresentation

There are so many enemies slithering among us, smiling in our faces, willingly being used by White Supremacists to act as roadblocks of progress for Black people and Coleman Hughes is one HELL of an example.

He was on a podcast discussing the disgusting words he spewed against us in the Black reparations hearing he was in, as he sat alongside major league coon Burgess Owens. None of the shit any of these coons said up there would be said in a non-Black Reparations Hearing, but I doubt there would ever be an HR40 for anyone else.

This fuck boy went from speaking on the collective and trying to stand in our way, to speaking on himself as an individual in a podcast:

Coons, no one gives a fuck about your individualism. If you want to be an individual, keep it that way, but don't climb your ass onto a platform and misrepresent the rest of us. If David Duke or Ed Buck did something to you as an individual, that would be something you'd have to deal with by yourself but not something that involves the collective. The same collective that you don't wish to be a part of and don't deserve to be in.

If its something like reparations that involves more than you, then sit your ass down if you aren't arguing that you as an "Individual" should be able to opt out of receiving reparations, or you deserve whatever karma you get.

The Fifth Column podcast that Coleman "I am Pussy" Hughes was on, is co-hosted by Kmele Foster. Never heard of him before, but he is the co-founder and VP of some telecommunications consultancy called, TelcoIQ. He's another one of those political activists out there that will join the conversation about Black people to throw us under a fucking bus. Click play and hear how he see's himself.

Kmele Foster

Coleman Cruz Hughes (grandson of Jose), is the perfect fit for a podcast like Kmele's The Fifth Column. They can't keep Black people out of their fucking mouths, but want to properly represent and support anything except Black. If it involves us, its to nay say. I don't like Toure, but even he got into it with Kmele who tried to downplay the number of Black men killed by police. Downplaying our bloodshed? Enemies do shit like this.

I've spoken about these anti-Black abominations time and time again, and even put it out there that they need to be ostracized.

I've done it in my life, even to so-called family members. I don't want to hear that "You were right", I want to see unified action. Some of you get afraid of this because you think i'm trying to bring the hammer down on who's in your bed at night.

That's not my mission, but you become an enemy if that non-Black person makes you feel like you need to be anti-Black. If they fuck you over for being Black, that comes with the territory of fucking with a non-Black person. I won't say anything now, but I won't say anything then.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, this is about the serpents among us. So I have to ask: Why in the fuck do too many Black people continue to let KNOWN snakes slither among them?

They should be afraid to slither anywhere among us, just like Nipsey Hussle's killer.

They're tools of the devil and they know it, but they hope that we'll be forgiving no matter how treacherous they are against Black people. This needs to change, punishment is the only way these people learn and even then they can't be forgiven and trusted. They also belong to that group of No Goods I've spoken about in the past.

Everyone needs to get on the same page, there are no debates about this, especially if you're wondering when change will come. Change will come when the discipline kicks in and the right amount of us get on one accord with our own laws for Black Society.

Those unwilling to comply won't be allowed in, and it needs to be just that cold because these people are playing with our lives and its high time the game's end.

Twitter keeps suspending my account

When the truth gets too real, twitter suspends my account, so I will post as many of these as possible. I'd like to keep a track of what they have a problem with, and it usually seems to be posts that involve any mention of Jews.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

My thoughts on the Reparations Hearing

If you have yet to see the first reparations hearing, go ahead and listen. Keep a sick bag on standby. It's going to take awhile, but listen to it in the background if you have to.

In this reparations hearing, I saw a whole lot of talking about things Foundational Black Americans go through, as well as what our enslaved ancestors went through. What I didn't hear was anything about the pursuit of an amount, and when the target date the initial reparations checks will go out.

It was a complete clusterfuck.

These people weren't taking this matter seriously, and there weren't enough of the right people there. I would've preferred to see Dr. Claud Anderson there than Burgess Owens, and damn near everyone else. I wanted to see someone in there who was more objective, and not just talking about a trip down memory lane. I wanted real representation. They don't need to hear about what they've done to Foundational Black Americans and what they continue to allow to go on so that they feel sympathetic. Fuck that. The history is there, and the shit still continued, so what does that tell you?

Instead, all these things need to be compiled to the list of crimes that have occurred from the past to the present, and even compile all the benefits others have gained as a result of the hell they've put us through and continue to put us through.

It's not about seeking compassion, fuck all that shit, it's about killing their arguments against us receiving reparations. There are no debates about factual history. It's about calculating to the highest amount, what we're owed financially, and gaining any tangibles we can get to prevent them from successfully using devilment against us in the future with the approval of the government.

Comparing what the Holocaust victims have gone through to receive reparations, is valid (including the fact that it didn't happen in the United States of America). Comparing the others is also valid, because they've received reparations for lesser crimes against them.

There were people in this hearing expressing that they shouldn't get any financial compensation, and they're up there misrepresenting the rest of us. Some of these people aren't even Foundational Black Americans, but they're up there misrepresenting the rest of us. The fruits of our labor, and our pair, blood, sweat, and tears, going to someone else to enrich their life while we're stuck on the bottom as a result and you have these people saying that they (meaning "US") don't want any financial compensation? They have lost their God damned minds, and everyone seeking reparations needs to let it be known that they don't speak for us. They need to step down if its not in their interest for us to receive money.

They can leave their money on the table if they choose too, but we don't have to. If they want to Opt Out of reparations like Burgess Owens, that can go back into the pot for the rest of us. If they want to give up their reparations to donate to HBCU's they can do that too, but only out of their individual amounts. They have life fucked up, if they think i'm willing to part with any amount of reparations to fund their bullshit.

I'll do whatever I want with mine, just like the non-Black people who benefited, and who are still benefiting from the generational wealth that came by way of slavery and making our lives a living hell to this day.

There is still a lot of workplace discrimination going on too, so Black people don't get hired a lot of the time if these companies have non-Black options. Did you realize that this can affect the ability to retire at an advanced age or if you get injured? If you suffer an injury that leads to disability that prevents you from working, what money will you have if you don't have the work history and money put into social security? So they don't just fuck you in the ways you see, they fuck you in the ways you don't realize as they tell you why you don't deserve reparations by way of these no good skinfolk.

It's going to take effort to increase the pressure on these people. They really need to feel it, from Sheila Jackson Lee, to Corey Booker, to Ta-Nehisi Coates, and so on. They're just like Burgess Owens, except their using covert tactics, he's more so overt, like the right and left wings of the White Supremacist bird they represent.

Foundational Black Americans are owed a debt and it must be paid, to hell with who feels what about it. Time to pay up. Cut the check!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Twitter suspended my account for this

I want you to take a look at what Twitter suspended my account for, and what their rules are. I've crossed none of those lines as far as i'm concerned, but what I did do is put White Supremacist coons in a position that forced them to judge White Jews the same way they judge us. Isn't it funny that this happens to my account afterward?

The requirement is to delete these two tweets before i'm able to make anymore tweets, but I wanted to make sure that I saved this so that there is a receipt. How many tweets do they force people to remove regarding Black society? Remember the difference.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Douglas B. Spink and You

I am almost positive that the majority of you haven't heard of Douglas B. Spink, but these are the people law enforcement allows to walk among us.

Douglas B. Spink  was recently in an armed stand off with the cops, and lived. That wouldn't fly with us, they'd shoot on sight, just like they do with unarmed Black people. They hit him multiple times with stun guns and bean bag rounds before arresting him.

He was charged with aggravated assault, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct in connection with the stand off. He was armed, and wasn't charged for endangering the lives of the police he was in the stand off with. Think that would happen with you?

Spink's White privilege landed him an impromptu plea deal, that the district attorney (Ben Simon) said would be accepted IF Spink submitted to a combination of jail & parole that totals THREE YEARS. Doesn't matter if it was a month in jail, and the rest was parole. Do you think you would get that sort of deal if had a stand off with the cops and lived? That was 2018.

He was convicted in 2005 for smuggling more than 300 pounds of cocaine. Do you really think you'd see the light of day after that?

He was arrested in 2010 for running a damn bestiality farm for tourist, which was an attraction he created for fellow sickos to go and have sex with dogs & horses. Michael Vick still gets mud thrown on is name, but this White criminal isn't a known figure presented in the White mainstream media.
After he got out in 2012, he wasn't put on probation, because they felt that it would be futile, and an ineffective use of limited resources. Resources they'd rather use on Black people, guilty or innocent.

He was arrested in Washington State back in 2012 with 3 counts of animal cruelty.

He was arrested in 2014 for probation violation, got 9 months.

He was arrested the same month he was released for 1 count of animal cruelty, most likely bestiality. Accepted plea. Banned from owning dogs (in Washington), he was also not allowed to have Internet access.

January 2015 he was going to get a 90 day jail sentence, but he fled the country. They found and arrested this fugitive in Canada, August 2015. Canada issued a removal order.

He went right back to Canada in November 2015. White privilege got him right back out of the fire he keeps setting. The cops literally arrested him when they showed up for a house fire. He got into it with another man and held the guy at knife point before breaking into someone else's house  who owned a dog. He took on the cops, and it took four of them to take him down. He was tossed in the squad car and even kicked out the windows in the process. They're cool with this because White crime isn't deemed crime. Law enforcement is reserved for Black people primarily. You can't do any of this stuff and not have the government up your ass and around the corner.

That was assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a deadly weapon, resisting arrest, breaking and entering, assault, and it should have been more. He also dognapped someone's animal to feed his sexual thirst. Remember, they felt like this guy shouldn't be on probation, or locked up for decade or life.

By June 2016 he still didn't serve his sentence because he was in Pennsylvania, facing charges unrelated to animal cruelty.

How did he get out of all that to show up in 2018 in an armed stand off with the police? The answer is simple, he's not Black.

Don't let these people fool you, they will treat you like you're the scum of the earth when its actually oozing from their pores. 300 pounds of cocaine, slap on the wrist. Fugitive holding someone hostage in a neighboring country, and also risking their life with arson. Slap on the wrist. Creating a bestiality farm for filth like him to indulge, and he gets hit with an animal ban. Slap on the wrist. He's violent, and has put the lives of officers on the line more than once.

These are the people they allow to do whatever the want until they kill too many people at once, it's all good until then. One big ass real life game of grand theft auto. You can't even remotely be in that boat, because you'd be the only one going down.

Know who you're dealing with, because these serpents present lies to the masses about Black people. The non-violent Black offenders and innocent Black people in the system tend to get more time than people like Douglas B. Spink. So don't kid yourself thinking we're equal, they'd even laugh at that notion in this system of White Supremacy.

We need to expect more than just reparations. We need the same laws to apply, but they won't just agree to something like that and new beneficial laws that protect us from their devilment. They need to be affected by something that makes them want to do it. Just as much as we vote in a block, we also spend more than others. We can impact these monsters not only with votes, but also with spending (this includes wise political investment). It will take serious effort to be intentional with spending, but its worth it. Not only can you save money for other things, but you can also burn some White Supremacist ass in the process. Too many Black people already know how to boycott, because they've boycotted Black businesses for most their lives to give non-Black people the luxury of time and resources to fuck us over.

Time to shift that shit. Use people like Douglas B. Spink to throw up in their face when its time to drive points home for our benefit. They know about criminals like him, too many are criminals just like him or worse, its time to stop playing with these demons and their minions.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Undeserved Loyalty: Betty Shelby the NRA Instructor AND You

You heard the title right. Betty Shelby is teaching a gun course for the NRA.

Not only because she was a White Cop, but also because she's a White person who killed an unarmed Black person. Regardless of the visually damning evidence countering all excuses she still walked. That's what the NRA likes about Terence Crutcher's killer, and i'm sure the same applies to those taking the course knowing full well who she is.

That's encouraging to White Supremacists Men, Women (for the foolish Black feminists in the room), and their anti-Black minions. She gives them hope that if they get what they see as an opportunity to kill a Black person, they can walk away and get a second chance at life with new opportunities like her.

Don't miss the fact that the White Supremacist News Media isn't pushing out her mugshot in this story either. They love this sort of stuff, and too many non-Black people like this sort of stuff just the same. She's not Black that's why she's free, unlike Officer Noor who was more justified than her. I hope the duffel bags under her eyes represent restless nights of being haunted by Mr. Crutcher.

Remember who set Betty Shelby free. It was a White Jury consisting of some of your neighbors, co-workers, in-laws, friends, significant others, supervisors, and potential bed buddies. The same people smiling in your face, all the while leaning in the direction of "Not Guilty" for their White Supremacist brothers and sisters (for the foolish Black feminists in the room).

Remember to keep your head on a swivel and act accordingly for the betterment of Black people. You never know who these non-Black people may be, it's 2019 and it wouldn't be a shock if you still don't feel like a citizen of the United States (as a descendant of enslaved Africans). I can't say all White people & other non-Black people do any one thing, and I've seen a few physically fight the cops to get them off of a Black person they know, but that's too few and far in between.

When the system of White Supremacy is allowed to thrive, there are more than the few and far in-betweens.

When non-Black cops continue to walk, there are more than the few and far in-betweens.

When we have to fight for reparations and other tangibles, there are more than the few and far in-betweens.

Black men continue to go to prison with no evidence, further proving there are more than the few and far in-betweens. This includes allegations of rape, whether it was a bed buck, Becky decided to set up, or a random Black man the police targeted based on Becky's imaginary rapist.

Betty Shelby's Mugshot
You might be asking yourself what the rest of this stuff has to do with Betty Shelby, but its all connected. You have to understand that if there were more than the few and far in-betweens, this senseless killer Betty Shelby, would be in prison where she belongs.

Black men wouldn't be rounded up for the Prison Manufacturing Plants to profit off of, and usually released when they aren't producing the way they were when they were younger. That's when evidence "finally" emerges or starts to make sense to some of your White neighbors, co-workers, and the rest.

I mention the few and far in-betweens, because too many Black people bring them up. It's not about them, it's about the ones who are showing and providing why too many non-Black people can't be trusted. The ones who maintain the ability for these cops to walk after unjustly killing Black people. If they don't want to be seen as untrustworthy (although the damage is done), they can make the changes overnight. So don't fool yourself, even if they're smiling in your face. Deception is usually delivered in the sweetest of ways.

Everyone willing to make a change, won't wait until their ass is being affected by karma. It's funny, Black people were the original All Lives Matter group, but the evidence has shown (since day 1) that everyone doesn't deserve the fruit of our labor. We don't even get to enjoy it, because its usually for the benefit of someone else. Switching gears for self preservation and elevation have resulted in us being called selfish, even by people who are wholeheartedly anti-Black.

Some of these vary same people were racists in their native land, and imported the same mess to America as they set up shop in predominant Black neighborhoods. You can connect the dots of that through Middle Easterners treating Black people like trash, Asians, and many others. When will they return the favor for civil rights, and making sure White Supremacy can't just commit mass genocide?

There are White people who wish they could do that even as you read this, but the coverts are trying to hide it to keep down any civil unrest. If they went full demon, they wouldn't be able to roam freely in non-White Countries and not get the North Sentinel Island treatment. Covert or overt, you see how the results add up when White men and women deserve punishment.

So it's way past time to pull back based on undeserved loyalty. Undeserved Loyalty is something I've spoken about for years, because it turns your eyes to those standing around you. Who are the people around you? Why are they truly around you? Are they a benefit or a detriment? Do they deserve your loyalty? Do they stand with you in support of assisting with things such as mandatory minimum sentencing for police that break the law?

There are so many questions you can ask to reveal certain mindsets, and its imperative to know where a person stands when they're close enough to stab you in the back.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Want the Black Vote?


It gets no simpler than that, we await the true efforts to make this happen.

If you conveniently don't remember how that's done, go back and "study" what it took to provide other groups of non-African American people with reparations for lesser crimes against them.

To hell with H.R.40. White Supremacists and their minions don't fool me, that's why they're cool with it. The devil's favorite game is deception.

They call H.R.40 the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act. If you actually take the time to read it, its the bill that results in nothing except to employ the enemies within Black Society to act as a conciliatory wedge between A.D.O.S. and reparations.

I will expand on this when I find the time.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Think about this.

There are many of you that attend a church regularly. I have no problem with that, but based on a previous post some of you do know what I have a problem with. Remember that tithes are resources, and there are too many churches acting as leeches in predominant Black communities, draining the people of resources. They don't stand for the community in the face of injustice, they stand with the people who want us to abandon outrage. They want you to stand down.

Too many of these churches don't really help the people, they just deal hope, just like drug dealers deal dope and too many of you are addicted giving up your resources to them. There are many pastors living in nice homes while too many Black people are living in apartments, some with a few families crammed into one apartment.

The church is the nicest building in some of these communities while the rest of the buildings look like shacks. Too many of these churches aren't trying to work with a company to help restore some of these houses, some don't even bring the members of the church together to help clean up the yards and homes of the elderly.

Who are they serving? Are they serving you or are they serving White Supremacy in order to keep you downtrodden? Think about this.

There are pastors who will not lift a finger to help a member of their congregation that they receive money from every week, but let there be some disaster in some 3rd World country and their part of some international church alliance. There are pastors who shell out money and have offerings for things like that after disaster strikes internationally, while their palace of a church sits in the heart of a disaster zone. Is that showing you God's love? Shoving a damn collection plate in your face upwards 3 times per service sure isn't. Think about this.

Another thing I want to point out are the pastors who are not reaching out to their Government affiliates. You know the ones they open their doors up to in order to sway you into voting for them? Don't you find it funny that they can do that, and disrespect the church, but they can't use that same association to vouch for African Americans receiving reparations and other tangibles? Remember, some of these same people thank God for slavery. Some of these same people appreciate racism because they feel like it has a silver lining from God in there, or at least thats what they sell to the congregation.

Too many of these pastors play a major role in the lives of people they don't give a damn about. There are people who feel that they need to reach out to their pastor for any and everything, some pastors even have more say so over the husbands in some of these households. Some of these pastors are the same ones playing a part in keeping the congregation down but the people are too enthralled to see it. The ones who do are usually the ones considered to be the devil and doing nothing more than trying to divide the church, when you're doing nothing more than thinking and seeing the truth behind the scam.

Isn't it funny to hear that those of us seeking reparations for our people are also considered to be divisive? Think about this. Think.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Are you Family or Foe?

I want to just put this out there, and I want you to share this link because I want to just put the anti-American DOS agenda on display.

American Descendants of Slaves still surviving the nightmare, are expected to just suck it up. We aren't expected to be Black people seeking compensation for the wrongs done to us in the past and present.

I can understand a non-Black person pushing such a thing, but not skinfolk, unless they're enemies.

Julius S. Malema doesn't stand against us seeking reparations and other tangibles, and I don't stand against the Economic Freedom Fighters in their efforts to right the wrongs done to Black people in South Africa.

How crazy would it be for me to have a problem with the EFF for reclaiming stolen land over there? If I were one of these serpents, i'd hate Malema, but i'm not so I don't. Power to the EFF!

I've said it before, be motivated, don't stand as opposition. Join the fight and do the same where ever you are. I don't sit around and debate with people, because it isn't the most beneficial thing to do. I say my piece, challenge you to think, and go about my way for the betterment of my people.

These anti-American DOS skinfolk have literally joined the ranks of the opposition, but some were always on that side. Don't debate with these people trying to shame us for seeking reparations and other tangibles, there is no need to.

I haven't attacked Haitian organizations impacting the lives of Haitians for the better, Jamaicans, Somalians, and others. Never did it, so I no way, shape or form will entertain the bullshit the anti-American DOS serve up against me and my family. Will you?

Do they invest that type of energy into fighting against anti-Black terrorists?

How many of these so-called Brothas and Sistas actually come together to combat police brutality? It has impacted non-American DOS also, look at Botham Jean. No one has room to get mad at us for seeking justice. If injustice is cool with you, shut the hell up and roll with it when you become a victim.

Also, were there any Ethiopians Jews out here trying to shame the descendants of Holocaust victims for the reparations they received in the USA?

They're Jews too right? Is that not seen as divisive? Our foe wouldn't bring such a thing up, because its not us. So take that into account when it comes to these serpents, they've never wanted us to do better. We're being called trash, dusty niggas, and other names only an enemy would spew but there are enough of us to keep the agenda on the right track.

Spread the word, share the post.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Shift the narratives

Most of the time White culprits will not be put on blast to the way the no good White media does with Black people. 

So why not add to the collective number of people that publish articles, create videos, and hashtag the names of these White criminals, along with the crime that they deserve time for?

Doesn't take much for something to trend on twitter, it just takes a select number of people to get it going. If you're on there and you agree, what are you waiting for?

You can give your own perspective, but it mainly adds to the objective of placing their name ahead of the pack. What it does specifically is make sure that they can't hide in the shadows while White Supremacists and their minions try and place the spotlight on a Black person. You're essentially helping yourself if they ever attempt to make you a scapegoat. Wise up. 

Spread the word, share the post.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

St. Patrick's Day and You

Before you toss on the green and run out to support some Irish pub to celebrate ole' St. Patrick's Day, remember that there are a long line of Irish Police in America who became cops thanks to family tradition. That family tradition for too many of them began in the slave patrol, rounding of the ancestors of American Descendants of Slaves. To hell with what the day represents to them.

So for all of the dumb, foolish, and deliberately Black people seeking to stand in the way of what we're owed in this country, you're some of the reasons why paper trails are of great importance. You're the faces and names listed under the topic of undeserved loyalty, because there is no benefit to being loyal to you.

Does it make sense to be loyal to someone that behaves like an enemy?
Even you wouldn't accept that. 

Don't play dumb as if you can't understand either, but for those who legitimately don't, its like an abusive relationship. It's harmful for the person on the receiving end of that abuse to remain in such a relationship, but we're expected to be dumb enough to stick around and remain faithful, supportive, and loving to our abusers (or the supporters of those abusers).

Now that I've inserted a different perspective, I hope it opens the eyes of those who are not intentionally pursuing a route that gets in our way. These people accepted the role of doing us wrong, and they were rewarded incentives. Being the descendants of Irish immigrants doesn't change the part they've played and continue to play, just like other Europeans, and everyone else who invested in being our enemies. Slave patrols also began operating on holidays because they found that revolts would occur around these days, and they were also trying to prevent some Black trade markets from being established.

So what are you celebrating?

Don't be one of those people. Let these various holidays simply represent a reminder in life to stay on code, you don't need their holidays when we have the ability to create our own. These people were recapturing our ancestors, beating them, and even killing them in some cases. Sound familiar?

These people benefited from making the lives of our people hell. Weren't slave patrols exempt from taxes and fees while in service? Also, they were paid more than the typical amount of money via a surplus, right? Don't let them hide their dirt to minimize what we're owed, and the ability to kill us in the past and didn't make it right, just like it doesn't in the present, damn anyone to hell who believes otherwise. Being a Black immigrant doesn't make you exempt either, remember what happened to Botham Jean.

Also, remember who fought for him.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Do you really know Bernie Sanders?

There are various embarrassments bouncing around trying to push forth any and everyone dancing around the topic of reparations for American Descendants of Slaves. Believe me when I say that some of these people are part of the campaign engines for these serpents.

The "JUST" Act wasn't the first attempt.
Your support is good enough for everything else, except when its time to focus on yourself the way everyone else has done. Being the safety net for others is not a smart way to go about doing anything, especially when they aren't securing your fall. If someone has a problem with the way you're treating them, and its doesn't differ from their treatment towards you, then that's an enemy in disguise.

Bernie is one of these people. You weren't out there fighting against reparations for Holocaust survivors, even if the holocaust didn't happen here. Did you? Look who has a problem with us receiving reparations though, Bernie. Martin Luther King Jr expected reparations before he was slain, he was not on the same page as these God damned serpents "using" his name to try and woo you into voting for them.

Bill Clinton's crime bill destroyed countless Black lives for low level drug offenses, and you know innocent Black people also went down whether drugs was planted on them or not. Hillary Clinton backed it, and she caught hell during her campaign for it, but who else voted for it? Bernie Sanders.

So while some of these embarrassments running around supporting him and believing the BS he spews about justice, remember, he was one of the serpents who backed that crime bill. Bernie so Black now? Bernie down for a crime bill for opioids now? He'd argue that it would be insensitive to lock up opioid users, even though the crime bill he supported locked up Black people hooked on crack. Punishment is okay for you, not them, just like reparations are okay for them and not you. All that BS he's talking means nothing if its not a dedication to getting reparations for American DOS. Other than that he just continues to be a parasite of our struggle. He wants to benefit off our hardships to get political support, but he doesn't want us receiving reparations for them. What else has this snake played a part in, and what methods did they use to pull off the Just Act? How about the other reparation recipients, how did they obtain theirs? Time to chip away at this, even if its painstakingly chipped away at, the results are in the name of reparations.

I digress to jump on this dusty ass fuck boy about what he said awhile back. This information was brought to my attention by the Brotha, Jason Black of the Black Channel.
Bernie Sanders in 1972 wrote the following: 

"A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.

A woman enjoys intercourse with her man -- as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously."

Bernie Sanders' nasty ass wrote that shit. What man is he talking about? That's coming from his head, so he's the one fantasizing about that shit trying to put it on every man like we all relate. Bullshit. He must be talking about White men, because no one I know has ever talked about some shit like that. If anything I'm looking to go the distance with my woman to wear her ass out with sexual prowess, not tying her up and abusing her. That sounds like some shit someone does because they're trying to compensate for a small dick. I wonder if his wife thinks like that.

Then BERNIE SANDERS mentions women fantasizing about being raped? That's sounds like some shit from his mind that a rapist would think. That sounds like someone who says "She knows she wanted it" or "No means Yes" type of bullshit. I highly doubt Recy Taylor wanted to be gang raped by the White Supremacist males who raped her.

They tried to take her story and make it the voice of non-Black women. That's why I had to get at that two faced anti-Black bitch, Oprah. So keep this in mind when you're discussing Bernie, what else don't we know about that serpent? We already know he doesn't want to give up reparations, but he sounds like he was on some sexually deviant shit and he still might be. He's a politician, so he learned how to keep his mouth shut about certain things, but just like how they do with Black people (regardless of fact or fiction) we can go back to the past on their asses too.

He also mentioned some pedophile fantasy-type shit when he said:

"Do you know why the newspapers with the articles like "Girl 12 raped by 14 men" sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?"

Who is "US"? Why did that scenario pop up in his head? He must be talking about White men. As you know, Black men, Black teens, and even Black boys get locked up more than anyone else. They'll lock up Black females too, but I want to highlight what happens to the pedophiles in prison when they aren't protected in prison where Black males are predominately locked up:

I know Black pedophiles exist, but look at what happens to pedophiles in prison where they lock up Black males the most. Its hard for them to survive, and I have zero remorse for them, but i'm just curious as to who Bernie Sanders is talking about when he says "US". He's speaking for himself, but I highly doubt Me Too or Times Up will get in his ass to see what dirt may be under his carpet. Him playing games in regards to reparations for American D.O.S. may result in his ass being burned in an unexpected way.