Saturday, November 16, 2019

No Shame

I've been online here and there, seeing all sorts of ridiculous nonsense take place along with some positive occurrences. Recently, a collective number of us were able to get youtube to bring back a B1 Brotha's channel, just as it was done with another very vocal and active Brotha.

We have power when we wield it in the right way, but we have to be careful not to allow the devil's kin to deceive us into using it against ourselves. It has been groomed into many of our people based on our position in this nation and the world, so we have to be careful. We have to be very careful, because it doesn't take much to reach the point of no return in some cases.

They always do what they can to try and set us back, our growth is considered a threat, they're willing to elevate illegal citizens and its not for the purpose of helping these people. It's a strategic move to keep any and everyone in the way of our progression, in the way of our tangibles.

This is nothing new, and we're gaining ground seeking tangibles for Black Americans. No one has the right to be upset about that, I pray nothing but the worse on those that do. We're owed a debt, we've put in the work, we continue to put in the work and now we're expecting everyone showing up to the potluck to bring something.

There are people trying to shame us for not going out to watch the pathetic film "Harriet" because they feel that we don't have the right to be disgusted with anything. You would think we were non-humans or something, expected to just consume, but we aren't what they labeled us with.

Never ever ever feel ashamed about being disgusted with the actions of the devil's kin and their minions, ever! We don't exist to make them feel better about doing evil shit, killing Black people only to expect hugs, forgiveness, and no punishment.

Never feel ashamed when their minions try to shame us  either, and they're good at it. They're running their mouth on major platforms within earshot of the masses like it's really going to shame us into accepting the poison that they want us to ingest. You know it's poison, so ingesting it will only do you harm, just like supporting their anti-Black American films that revise history for those not familiar with it. This is one of the reasons why we must be the educators of our own, because the devil's favorite game is deception.

I will continue to say that because it must be remembered, and it forces the acknowledgement of their evil ways. Every time White Supremacists and their voluntary minions open their mouth, keep in mind that it's poison and you should treat it as such.

The killing, stealing, and the destroying continues. There should be zero shame when it comes to standing against it, and they clearly use scare tactics with all the murders they commit. They want us to be afraid that we'll be the next example of what happens to people among us who get a little too ambitious, and knowing that, we have to be strategically moving forward with all bullshit aside. I'm not mentioning names because this applies to the present and future bullshit so that we don't end up like we did in the past. There are no leaders, there are only objectives to complete on this road to our betterment.

The clock is ticking, it's almost 2020!

No arguing when the goal is the same and beneficial.

I don't expect any hate from any non-Black Americans who really wants to be down for the cause either, because we have the right to stand up for ourselves. Period. Stand with us the way we've stood with you. There is no need to try and figure out how it's all going to work financially, they have the ability to make everything else happen so they can pay up. It's long overdue and there are no debates about that. If anyone has the energy to debate, the debate needs to be for our benefit along with questioning this nations appointed leaders who would rather pour funds into silly shit than to do whats right.

Black Americans contribute money to the defense funds of a number of countries, including those that some of you come from so it's not just a benefit on American soil. We tend to be the largest consumer base also, which likely supports imported products from countries that some of you come from so expect at least some of us to show no shame when it comes to reminding White Supremacist minions of this.

Candace Owens is now Ms. Anti-Black American, but she benefited from the work that was laid out before her. It doesn't work that way, you don't benefit from the work and then try to slam the door in someone else's face. That's exactly something a minion would do.

Get on their asses and prove where your loyalty is, they should have zero places to slither for safety and normalcy. Once they reveal who they are, they need to be treated like the traitors they are and no forgiveness applies to them just as much as none does for the devil's kin because they seek our destruction like the minions who are Black American.