Friday, September 11, 2020

Biden Harris: For Everyone Else, Except Black Americans

They can promise things to undocumented people, but they want us to shut up and vote. Why vote to benefit someone who doesn't even have the right to vote and would stand against you? Don't act stupid about the opposition either, because many of you have seen the open bold discrimination against Black Americans in your workplace and everywhere else. 

Anti-Blackness is alive and well in Latin America, and only a fool would stand up to usher them into the United States to do the same to them and their family. Latino's in the US won't even ride for Central America Asylees, but "Black & Brown" is expected to come out of our mouth and I wish more of us would stop that shit.

I have Brothas and Sistas in Miami who know the deal, but I have to admit that the majority I came in contact with are delusional. They want to be down with Latino's so damn bad, they're willing to neglect their own needs. Miami is especially heinous when it comes to Latino anti-Blackness, and it's masked by the parties.

One thing I also noticed are Black New Yorker's showing up ready to party, thinking it's a melting pot. Some get a wake up call immediately, others wake up when their money dries up, and others go over that cliff of Whiteness with the blindfold still on. You have Latino cops shooting and harassing Black Americans in Miami, a bullet is not a party favor or a souvenir. Remember the mental healthcare professional who was shot while laying in the street with his hands up? The God Damned anti-Black Latino cop who shot him, told him that he didn't know why he shot him and still walked.

Bridges go over Black American neighborhoods in Miami for a reason. These neighborhoods were flourishing, and that was the problem. The decision to build those bridges weren't based on the decisions of Caucasians alone, Cubans pretty much run Miami and the city is predominantly Latino. Where was that pseudo Black & Brown Coalition?

Undocumented people get more defense than we do. How many of them are shot down in the street? Remember when the cops stood up against ICE to protect them? Once the undocumented become citizens, they will assimilate with White Supremacy. I've seen it before citizenship was approved, and Miami is a prime example of that.

That's who Biden and Harris are fighting for, not you. They loathe the betterment of Black Americans.

Biden and Harris are against the imprisonment of Police that commit crimes against Black Americans.

Biden and Harris see the imprisonment of Black Americans as nothing more than increased man power for products manufactured in prison, profit for profit prisons, and where ever the man power is needed to protect non-Black American people. Don't forget the inmate firefighters, they're out there fighting fires right now as a matter of fact.

This is a clip from

I'm not RepubliCON or DemoRat, i'm for the betterment of Black America. I don't give a damn about a pseudo coalition if it doesn't benefit my people either.

Before anyone else comes along bitching about me riding for Foundational Black Americans, there has been very little push back when it comes to the vocal Blacks who say that Black Americans are not the voice of Black people. When I hear the same people say that we need to be quiet and that we're the real racists when the actions of Black Americans have been reaction, I through my hands up.

If you want to stand on this side of the line with Foundational Black Americans, you can do so but for everyone else i'm not arguing with anyone. Again, there are no debates about this. There are bigger fish to fry, I have seen non-Black people go to various Black Nations and shit on the people but I can't have more fight for them than they do for themselves. One thing I won't do is stand with these anti-Black people to attack Black people, but there are anti-FBA's lining up to go after us and i'm not with it. 

My name isn't Mike Oliver, and I didn't pop up to get a laugh out of the fact that this non-Black man infected dozens of Kenyan women with HIV. I didn't do shit except fight for what benefits Black people, including those who make their way to the United States. So coming at FBA is treacherous.

Prime example are reparations. I don't stand in the way of any Black nation seeking reparations, so why in the fuck would skin folk slither their ass up around us speaking against ours? That's enemy behavior.

I refuse to fight for the coons and the forgivers of White Supremacy on American soil and I don't make an exception for the international ones. I'll focus on Black Americans, and I have to urge my Brothas & Sistas to do the same until more Brothas & Sistas emerge to stand with us. I'll mind my business and they can mind theirs, I welcome those who don't fence ride.

We have to erase Brown from our vocabulary when it comes to saying "Black & Brown", they say Brown, they say Latino, they say Hispanic. If the only time "Black & Brown" is spewed from their lips is when its time to benefit, then they don't give a damn about you. A shift is happening, but the problem is the trojan horses continue to emerge to push non-Black Agendas.

These bastards are Black, and even Blacker than we are in skin tone at times, but everything and everyone they fight for is the opposite. It's a God Damned disgrace and i'm not with it. Just because they have a death wish doesn't mean I do.

A large number of Latino's lean to the right, what does that say about their mindset? Don't think when the Caucasian population declines further these people will help us bring about a system of Justice, you already see example after example that the majority are for anti-Black injustice and corruption. We're criminals in their eyes, we're lazy in their eyes, we're ENEMIES in their eyes and I look at them as no different. If someone treats you like an enemy, you don't try to increase your understanding as to why and blame Black America. Be prepared to defend yourself and treat them as a threat because they're your enemy.

If they put their paws on you, you know what to do. I'm not telling you to beat anyone up, but you need to defend yourself and don't go around living a life of delusion smiling in their face while their laughing at you behind your back. If anyone is to be played, it should be them for our betterment.

This Pew Research study shows that the majority of Latino's don't want these illegals here, and that's probably because they want more resources for themselves and their individual families. They don't want resources split and I can agree with that because I need Black American tangibles secured ahead of undocumented illegal citizens. Calling them the Dreamers using MLK, and giving props to them for being the farmhands and shit. Black farms exist, Black farmers and farmhands exist, but they're sabotage that's why it's hard for them to thrive. Denied loans, given fake seeds and shit, but the illegals get the spotlight over actual Black American citizens for tangibles.

These are the people Biden & Harris want us to ride for over ourselves. How will that benefit you? Every time I turn around there is another Biden Harris ad USING a Black person to speak on their behalf, whether shown on camera, voice-only, or a damn cartoon character. One of the commercials said "Game recognize game", trying to sound hip but its actually an insult. These ads are damn near becoming rap videos to try and cultivate your vote. 

This is how they approach us, music and dancing and shit. Wondering where your next check is coming from is nothing to throw a party for or dance to. Doing the electric slide won't save you from being evicted from your shit. They're promising these other groups something tangible, fuck the music.

They want our votes bad as hell, but these God damned serpents go out of their way to maintain benign neglect against Black Americans. Don't miss that or the promotion of BS criminal reform, we're not a race of criminals. Punish the cops and we won't have to worry about the innocent Brothas and Sistas being unjustly harmed, killed, or imprisoned by these God damned race soldiers and their comrades in law enforcement.

There is a list of White cops guilty of affecting the lives of Black Americans, but there are also Brown and other minority cops guilty of this and they have organizations and communities that stand with them. They mock us but they want us standing with them, which they usually end up finding a handful of idiots to do so. It would serve some of you right to have your ass whooped for betrayal, but I digress.

Biden & Harris are noticing that we are not rallying behind them. How would it look to have an employer who wants someone to come to work knowing they owe them back pay? They haven't paid them a damn dime yet but they want them to show up. That's what the DemoRats want us to do.

They even have the nerve to wag their finger in an attempt to shame us into voting, even insulting us saying that we're not Black if we don't vote.

How would you feel about working a non-paying job? Would you be able to pay your bills and eat?

That would be considered optional slavery right? So why in the hell should we show up to the polls to vote for them in exchange for nothing?

Their focus is latinos, illegal immigrant and LGBT tangibles. They're ready to get bill passed. Obama & Biden exclusively helped both of those groups out, when will it be our turn? According to Kamala, she won't sit up and say she will only do something for Black people, so they need to get the fuck out of our faces. Period.

Her going to an HBCU means nothing, all the other "Black experiences" she's claimed to have had mean nothing. What does her track record say about her? I called her a trojan horse years ago, and Biden's old dried up ass is hoping that we'll forget about him. If we mattered to them, we would've saw it long ago, they've been in government longer than some of us have been alive. Think about that.

You can show up to vote out the known anti-Blacks sheriffs, prosecutors, and people like that. Think twice about voting for the anti-Black left just like you don't vote for their anti-Black kin on the right. Vote for what benefits Black Americans.