Wednesday, June 30, 2021

White Media trying to punish Bill Cosby again!

A Brotha with a Black news outlet forwarded this email from a White Media Group:

BREAKING: Court overturns Bill Cosby's sex assault conviction, bars further prosecution.

Available for comment is Angela Rose, the Founder and President of Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment (PAVE). In 2018, Angela stood by Andrea Constand in the courtroom when Bill Cosby was convicted for sexual assault. Angela also joined Andrea in an interview with NBC in June 2018. Andrea said of PAVE, "I felt so alone until PAVE came along." Watch the clip here.
Angela is based in Chicago, IL. She says, "It is a travesty of justice that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned the conviction of Bill Cosby today due to a previous agreement from a prosecutor that prevented him from being charged in the case. This is a devastating blow for survivors of sexual violence, which is already the most underreported crime. Our hearts are with Andrea Constand and other survivors who bravely testified in court about the harm that they have endured because of this man. PAVE is sending our support to all survivors who are triggered by this news. Please know that you are not alone and we are here for you."
Angela Rose, PAVE’s founder, has her own remarkable story of surviving kidnapping and sexual assault which she shared to help empower survivors of sexual violence on 48 Hours and the Oprah Winfrey Network. In 2015, Angela Rose and PAVE spearheaded the campaign to revoke the comedian’s Medal of Freedom with a White House petition that was addressed directly by President Obama. In 2016, she was invited to the White House’s launch of the "It’s On Us Campaign" following her contributions with former Vice President Joe Biden to The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. Angela also helped launch Congresswoman Annie Kuster’s Bipartisan Taskforce to end sexual violence. In 2016, Angela was invited to speak at White House United State of Women Summit.
Please let me know if you would like to set up an interview with Angela. Thank you,


Director of Strategy and Public Relations

District Media Group


They want Bill Cosby punished after the recent ruling, and they're pushing this out to news outlets. This bitch is an orchestrator, and would probably be one of the first people saying Black & Brown for her own benefit.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Oprah Can't Be Salvaged


Oprah is an enemy, previous posts reveal the reason why I deem her such. Oprah only slithers her way in our direction for Oprah's best interest. Oprah "Honoring Our Kings" is a God Damned joke. This woman is a weapon wielded by White Supremacy, always has her mouth fixed to say something about us, now this?

Oprah's trying to slither her way back in, she knows which way the tide is turning. That's not to say she's doing this to stay with us, but she doesn't want Black America on her ass. Our enemies are having a hard time slithering these days and she's trying to get some wiggle room, don't give her that. I don't care who was featured in her spotlight, don't give her the wiggle room to try and destroy another Black man.

The same bitch deleted all those tweets surrounding that slanderous mockumentary "Leaving Neverland", after she began to feel the heat. She saw the lies being exposed and she wanted to hide the hand she played in the shit. Don't forget the fact that she ran defense for Gayle King's droopy looking ass who joined the White Supremacist bandwagon to slander Kobe when he died. Kobe Bryant, and his daughter weren't even buried yet and the Demon's came out to slander him.

Droopy never apologized, she acted like she was the victim and Oprah backed her up with the fake White victim shit. She claimed she received death threats but nothing was revealed and no one was arrested for the shit? You know it was a lie, but Oprah doesn't hesitate to showcase her off-code enemy behavior so it's up to us to treat her like the enemy she is.

Don't let her slither in your circles. She knew Michael Jackson and other Black men, but that didn't stop her from stabbing them in their back.

Don't let her play on you as Black women either, she might stand up and ride for Gayle King but they're on-code with our enemies. Remember what Droopy did in that disrespectful interview with Lisa Leslie. That snake was in her true form in that interview, so don't feel like these bitches are your Sista's when they're trying to dog out Sista's on TV. She was trying to get a Black woman to dog out a Black man and her friend on TV.

We don't have time for people like Oprah or Gayle, they're weapons of White Supremacy. This special is for her benefit, nothing more. There were questionable guests featured in this special too, like D-Wade who let his son get turned out, and DL Hugley who has said some crazy shit himself and flip flops too damn much.

Don't forget what punishment does, it puts people in check and makes them think twice about doing anything. The minions of White Supremacy have to make sure they can't show their faces among us, period. Oprah's really trying to put the slander of Black men in the media on the White Media like her ass wasn't part of it, that's why it's imperative to remember.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Juneteenth Holiday Hustle for White Supremacy

I don't need to say much of anything that Professor Black Truth didn't already say in this video, so listen up. 

Don't play yourself with this Juneteenth Holiday Hustle, because that's all it is. Joe Biden follows up with this holiday after giving us a middle finger on reparations and you know why. They want to keep the dumb among us on the Democrat bandwagon, it wasn't a holiday that represented the day we received our reparations. Don't get played by this sucker shit, keep those middle fingers up and keep moving in the direction of Black American empowerment. If other Black people want to join us, all they have to do is stand the fuck up.

If you're on some Sheila Jackson Lee shit, you can stay home. If you're on some Kamala Harris shit, you can stay home. The Devil's favorite game is deception, and even if a holiday is now in place that won't make us whole. They give other groups checks, they want us to live on symbolism, and I can just about guess how the holiday will go. That will be a concrete holiday to hustle Black Americans and those who stand with us for the sake reminding us to vote in White Supremacy's best interest.

Take the holiday and flip it on them, let it be a reminder not to take it easy on White Supremacy, ever. Stop playing with these DEMONS and their minions. They will also hijack is and pack it with a bunch of other non-Black DEVILMENT to further disrespect us.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Black Women and Bonnets: A Different Perspective

Since this seems to be a topic of discussion right now, I've decided to give my thoughts. It's not really an argument against anyone wearing them or not, but I want you to think about it in a different way. If  you want to wear the bonnet, wear the bonnet if that means that you're on your way to a Black hairstylist. Let that be the trend, go back to previous posts about the Better Alternative, along with Beauty & Boycotts. I know how important it is that's why I've spoken on it.

If you want to wear the bonnet, wear the bonnet that you bought from a Black beauty supply store online or in person instead of an Asian business. Use it as an weapon for economics.

Don't get pissed at the people who wear the bonnets, tell them to use it for the purpose of promoting Black owned beauty supply businesses and hairstylists. Share this post with them, let's turn this shit around and shift Black dollars where they should go.

I'd rather see a bonnet and know that they aren't wearing a bundle bought out of these Asian stores, so instead of shaming tactics and them doubling down to be stubborn, it can be used to our benefit. If they're going to wear them anyway, might as well put it to good use. You can consider it a reach, but it's money they aren't shoving into the pockets of people who use the resources against us. Remember, an Asian man was just bailed out thanks to money he got from a business his family runs. He got a low bail after he attempted to murder a Black child, and this was based on a White female judge who didn't value the baby's life enough to deny him bail.

This is what we're up against, and our enemies don't deserve that money.

The bonnet thing is mainly an issue surrounding Black women, and those of you who choose to identify as one. Get on code and you can easily shift where the resources go, and I'm not knocking what Mo'Nique said either. I know some women said they wear them because they can't afford the hair, but it's okay to go natural. You aren't required to get a bundle, a Black hairstylist can give you great results based on what length of hair you have. Bundle's cost a lot of damn money, and that money could actually go towards more important things. 

If a model can rock a feminine fade, you can look great too. It's all in how you style your hair. There are all types of options out here, so do what works for you and take pride in yourself while staying on code. Don't feel like you have to wear a bonnet if you don't have a bundle, but if you're going to be defiant do so against the right people and stay out of these God Damned Asian stores and salons.

It's okay to wear your hair natural, don't let the enemy make you feel like your natural hair isn't good enough. It's the best, it grows out of our heads too and the heads of our babies, let them know how much you love it. I know I love when Sistas wear their hair natural and look even better than they do when they wear a weave. Represent! 

Ask a Brotha how much they cringe sometimes when they see a woman with these crazy looking tracks and raggedy lace fronts in their head, even ya'll know how crazy that looks. No need to make the best knock off of natural looking hair when you have natural hair growing out of your head. 

I will leave you with images of hairstyles that don't require a weave or a wig.

This is not a fad, this is your natural God given beautiful hair.