If you aren't aware of what happened recently in Clearwater (Florida), another Black man was killed by an aggressive racist White man after the brotha shoved him away from his car (the car his girlfriend and her son were sitting in). He came up on the car accosting her and her son was a witness of this. She likely called the brotha to notify him of the terrorist accosting her while he was in the store and he came outside to defend her.
The "Stand Your Ground" law was used against Markeis McGlockton for the benefit of his white killer, Michael Drejka. Michael Drejka clearly started this (but that doesn't matter to White Supremacists), and I have no doubt that he was bold because of that gun. That's why law enforcement is so desirable to people with a mentality similar to George Zimmerman. Weapons are one of the reasons White Supremacy has been so successful thus far, but they watch or find it a problem if anyone is able or has the ability to equally match them. They will have nuclear weapons while telling other nations to denuclearize.
He probably would've killed her it if it were her pushing him back. Evidence of evil in the past and many other examples in the present have shown anti-Black people looking for opportunities to kill, and the Pinellas County Sheriff, Bob Gualtieri, gave Michael the excuse he needed to get away with it.
If Markeis McGlockton were the shooter, the narrative would've been framed to lock him up by the very same sheriff or to claim his life.
The same sheriff would've killed Michael Drejka based on his own history.
In the name of concealed white supremacy, Bob Gualtieri gave Michael Drejka a manufactured pass, but what if he were in the shoes of the victim and he knew Michael Drejka had a gun on him? Do you think he would've shot him as soon as he stepped out of the convenient store? I'd say "Yes", and I'll tell you why.
According to his own words, gun owners like Michael Drejka would be "thrown down on the ground with a gun pointed at them --- or worse."
Again, according to his own words, gun owners like Michael Drejka, who was carrying a concealed weapon is "going to take one in the chest because he's a threat."
I highlight these things because Pinellas County Sheriff, Bob Gualtieri, doesn't see a problem with Michael Drejka killing Markeis McGlockton as long as it wasn't him in the situation. As long as it isn't a White person being harmed in general, the greenlight remains. As long as the White person flapping their gums to defend these types of situations that harm Black people aren't harmed, its fine. White Supremacists only see the wrong in it when its one of their own being harmed, even if they were arguing from two different directions prior to the perfect scenario that harms or kills a Black person.
Sheriff Bob Gualtieri is on code, even if there is history of him appearing to be against citizens openly carrying or concealing guns. That's out the window when its White against Black and the White culprit deserves to suffer the consequences of his or her actions. Even if its hypocritical, he'll do it to stay on code.
Now its time to turn my attention to you, because learning is always of great importance. You cannot play around with White Supremacists, its time to learn the importance of discipline, the power behind a mass boycott. There are Black people still wondering around like they're in a fucking amusement park. There is nothing amusing about White Supremacy, there is nothing amusing about White Supremacists walking away after killing a Black person. You have to be on your guard, because White Supremacy is taught and practiced daily, by any means necessary. You have to discipline yourself, and come to those of us who teach with Black empowerment in mind so that you may gain tools to keep your mind sharp. Keep your head on a swivel, and get your own tool just incase you really have to use self defense (and sharpen your skills). Research the best Black lawyers who can cover you in the event that you have to use such a tool to stand your ground.
Going back to boycotts, listen. There needs to be a long running boycott, and it needs to be as strong as fucking tidal wave. One thing you can do is assist in a boycott, don't be the coon in the room who dares to be different. We have no time for that shit, we don't need to hear your opinion publicly about how you disagree with justice for Black people. If you're seen and heard trying to go against it, your ass needs to feel the crashing blow of the wave (so help yourself and shut the fuck up). If you know a boycott is on against a business, utilize all the other options you have to make your contribution a good one. Don't explain yourself either anyone about a boycott either, you owe no explanation to anyone about fighting for the right to live and be treated fairly.
Don't hesitate to link others to the boycott either. If you find another company or funder connected to the target of a boycott, put the word out, expose them so their ass can get hit by the tidal wave too. If you can FREELY promote a non-Black owned company's product, you can do the same for a righteous boycott. Time for a new sheriff in Pinellas County. Find out what companies stand behind this fucker who tried to make the brotha the bad guy.
If its LGBT first, then fuck you, you're part of the problem.
If its FEMINISM first, then fuck you, you're part of the problem.
If its ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS first, then fuck you, you're part of the problem.
You have to stand for something if you want something. You can't just expect a White Supremacists to give Black people justice, they have to be watched and punished accordingly. White women aren't bringing you anywhere to make sure you're tangibly benefitting for the betterment of Black people. White men certainly aren't doing it. Latinos aren't doing it either, and you can look at all the businesses that hire Latinos only (requiring that you speak Spanish). Forget the other groups too. Who does that leave? If we're all we've got, its imperative to move like that.
If there are non-Black people down to support the cause, all they have to do is act accordingly. Assist in what's right. Join in on the boycotts, challenge White Supremacy, expose racists and keep it consistent. If they don't subscribe to White Supremacy, they'll act accordingly and stick to a code of ethics that are not anti-Black. If they're truly standing up for the cause, the Michael Drejka's of the world will think twice because the excusers and their supporters will be too afraid of the consequences.
Don't wait around for them to stand up though, take a stand and if they don't you know who you're dealing with. July 2018 is coming to a close, and August is right around the corner.
Stand for Black empowerment today. No marches necessary.
Going back to boycotts, listen. There needs to be a long running boycott, and it needs to be as strong as fucking tidal wave. One thing you can do is assist in a boycott, don't be the coon in the room who dares to be different. We have no time for that shit, we don't need to hear your opinion publicly about how you disagree with justice for Black people. If you're seen and heard trying to go against it, your ass needs to feel the crashing blow of the wave (so help yourself and shut the fuck up). If you know a boycott is on against a business, utilize all the other options you have to make your contribution a good one. Don't explain yourself either anyone about a boycott either, you owe no explanation to anyone about fighting for the right to live and be treated fairly.
Don't hesitate to link others to the boycott either. If you find another company or funder connected to the target of a boycott, put the word out, expose them so their ass can get hit by the tidal wave too. If you can FREELY promote a non-Black owned company's product, you can do the same for a righteous boycott. Time for a new sheriff in Pinellas County. Find out what companies stand behind this fucker who tried to make the brotha the bad guy.
If its LGBT first, then fuck you, you're part of the problem.
If its FEMINISM first, then fuck you, you're part of the problem.
If its ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS first, then fuck you, you're part of the problem.
You have to stand for something if you want something. You can't just expect a White Supremacists to give Black people justice, they have to be watched and punished accordingly. White women aren't bringing you anywhere to make sure you're tangibly benefitting for the betterment of Black people. White men certainly aren't doing it. Latinos aren't doing it either, and you can look at all the businesses that hire Latinos only (requiring that you speak Spanish). Forget the other groups too. Who does that leave? If we're all we've got, its imperative to move like that.
If there are non-Black people down to support the cause, all they have to do is act accordingly. Assist in what's right. Join in on the boycotts, challenge White Supremacy, expose racists and keep it consistent. If they don't subscribe to White Supremacy, they'll act accordingly and stick to a code of ethics that are not anti-Black. If they're truly standing up for the cause, the Michael Drejka's of the world will think twice because the excusers and their supporters will be too afraid of the consequences.
Don't wait around for them to stand up though, take a stand and if they don't you know who you're dealing with. July 2018 is coming to a close, and August is right around the corner.
Stand for Black empowerment today. No marches necessary.