Saturday, July 28, 2018

Racial Junk - Making excuses for White Supremacy

Tamara Mowry spewed the words "...racial junk" in a segment on Yahoo, sitting alongside her husband.

I have a question for you: Ever notice how someone won't shut up even if their mouth continues to get them in trouble?

That's Tamara and her husband Adam Housley. He works as a journalist at Fox News that's powered by White Supremacy, so I can't help but wonder "Is Tamara taking on this schtick to keep her name in the media or is she knowingly or unknowingly playing part in a deeper agenda?".

I don't hear her name that often. She might be on a talk show, but she's part of a panel full of women that I also don't hear about that often. I know one was part of a pop group and the slit the throat of the first sista in the group, and I believe they did the same to another in the group, which a brotha pointed out in comparison to feminism. I am confident in saying that the majority of you who read this, don't give a damn about Tamara being married to a non-Black man. I really don't care, but if you continue to speak on Black people, there are Black men and women who will start to look at you and wonder why you continue to open your damn mouth about us. Especially if its not true.

If she shuts the hell up, I'm sure the heat will dissipate. She deserves to be ostracized, but the heat will let up. I wouldn't even argue with her husband, because they're looking for opportunities to complain about pushback from things they start. His Fourth of July post sparked up some mess, even if he was strategic enough not to speak on Black people, that's a known talking point. That whole patriotic argument and being grateful to be an America go hand in hand. He put that out there, and the racial junk Tamara spoke on rests in a pool of blood that belongs to Black people killed in the name of White Supremacy.

I bring her up because she is part of a list of Black people who reinforce White Supremacists and their actions. If you'll remember, I spoke on DeRay Davis giving cover to Dylan Roof saying that he was crazy, not racist. Regardless of the evidence, he put that in his standup on Netflix. I can't help but wonder if he had to do that in order to get the deal.

Kevin Hart came out in defense of Starbucks when those two Black men were arrested.

Amber Phillips goes on TV and labels all Black men rapists.

50 Cent was on The View dismissing the racism of women like BBQ Becky, Permit Patty, etc.

Tarana Burke created one hell of a weapon to be used against Black men, but they aren't really blasting these White women fucking kids or the White woman who was heading a sex cult (Allison Mack). Kimberly Guilfoyle from Fox News was even exposed for sexting male and female genitalia at work and put the names of the people out there. There are women who do all types of deviant shit, but they were too busy point at the men. So she got a pass while doing this stuff. I had a White woman trying to hit on me last night and I had to shake her ass off, I didn't see an opportunity to have sex, I saw trouble. The White men aren't even hit by the Me Too movement like Black men, and its crazy that Tarana's movement doesn't get justice for the Black women and men who come out about being violated White people. Notice that? So team Me Too needs to spread that love around and look at some of the women shouting Me Too. Julie Chen spoke on Bill Cosby and his wife, but now this woman is defending her White husband. Karma needs to burn her ass good right along with Les Moonves. They'll stand by their men, but they don't want Black men and women standing together.

You have a number of Black men and women reinforcing the actions of White Supremacy, forgiving their actions, making excuses for their actions, and even telling Black people to stand down after a Black person has been killed in cold-blood. That's why I don't consider everyone Brothas and Sistas, because they are not like a brother or a sister to me and other Black people.

Daryle Allums told African Americans to stand down after John Cowell killed Nia Wilson and attempted to take her sister's life. By the way, he sounded crazy saying that because who knew what else that murderer may have done. Not only that, who knows who else may be tied to him, but overall Nia was killed because her head wasn't on a swivel. You don't have to be paranoid, but you don't know who is who or down to do what.

These people love being around other Black people, they love it while making things harder on us or they prefer to be around non-Black people while continuing to make things harder on us. They don't have to say anything, but they continue to do so (Tamara Mowry). So they can't complain about the fires they create or find offensive when Brothas and Sistas hold their feet to it, because they're the ones who brought the additional heat to us (Tamara Mowry). They don't help with progression, and they're comfortable doing what they're doing because there haven't been substantial examples made out of these people.

I was talking to a Brotha on twitter, and I know he means well, but its imperative that more Black men and women see the value in boycotts. He didn't see the value in it and figured the money would just go from one white owned pocket to the next. I don't debate, but I had to put it out there that boycotts are valuable as long as they're not just talk and they're actually maintained.

Businesses have closed because of vicious boycotts, you have to see the power in that. If a boycott can shut a business down, support can build a business up.

So if you do your research regarding successful boycotts, consider what the shift in support would do for a Black owned business. Don't look down on boycotts, do not look down on boycotts ever. Its a weapon you have the ability to wield right now by way of controlling your dollar.