There are numerous arguments that can be made about Kylie Jenner, but what part did some Black people play in her success? I want to point out a bipolar mindset, because it often goes unchallenged. There are numerous posts that I've made pointing out the support that too many Black people give non-Black people only to get nothing in return (i.e. my posts about Undeserved Loyalty).
Perfect example, can Black women and Black men who go hard for feminism really complain about Kylie Jenner nearing a billion? Why not be happy for her for being a successful young woman and a billionaire? She's one of the women that you'd blindly defend, so why get mad now? Is that not an oxymoron? You can't go out and fight for every woman, including those that I've used for examples in previous posts and then turn around and complain about them. If you help get them where they want to be, you can't complain about where they are if they haven't promised you anything. Also, you can't get a pass put in place or agree with one that allows accusations to be treated as fact and then have to defend yourself against it. A pass that doesn't even cover you as a Black person (i.e. Terry Crews).
There are people donating money to help Kylie Jenner meet that billion dollar mark, and I wouldn't be shocked if there are dumb ass Black people contributing to that. These people are part of the problem. Some of these same people will smack their lips, roll their eyes, and even make it a point to go after you for seeking financial support for something. I'd prefer it to be something legit that can help Black people but look at this case of Kylie. When it comes to anyone that helps Kylie Jenner get wealthier (just because it helps her become a billionaire) they have no room to complain about anyone else asking for money for the purpose of getting wealthier.
$100 Million for Kylie's pocketbook. How many Black owned business can get a shot with that type of money? Do the math. Even if it's $1 Million each give or take (taxes), that's 100 businesses. 200 businesses if you split that up, but realistically how many people that are willing to throw money away to get Kylie to a billion would actually do that for Black people? Not even in terms of throwing away money on Black people, I'm talking about business and job creation. That type of money won't come without an agenda in place for the sake of our destruction, but it can be thrown in Kylie's purse.
That's why I go hard for Black based endeavors, and if you want to benefit from such things YOU have to focus. Don't dance around what can help you to make someone else feel better, and don't go out being the justice warrior for non-Black people. Also, Feminism can't be placed above Black people. LGBTQ can't be placed above Black people. I only bring up Kylie Jenner to point out and further reiterate why you have to put the bullshit aside and focus first and foremost on the betterment of African Americans.
I hope this connects yet another dot, because I don't write any of this for my health, it's for the betterment of African Americans (not just straight Black men). Amber Phillips and women with her mindset are anti-Black men, especially if we're straight, but when she was on Aryan airlines she found herself alone. She was in a position where she had to defend herself against a White woman that she would've defended before that situation. I bring her up because you can't put someone in position in hopes that you've arrived with them and they hit you with some anti-Black bullshit. That's why Amber was laughed at after that went down, because she openly revealed where she stood.
Getting non-Black people in position and you don't have a partnership that results in you receiving 50% or so is madness. Madness. You have to be honest with yourself and realize that you need to have the ability to make money and giving your opportunities away won't help that happen, especially to non-Black people. The time and effort fighting for non-Black people won't help you, especially if they're not agreeing to a list of demands. THEY need to get the ball rolling, not Black people, we have the cred in place for helping non-Black people. Where is their cred? I'm just saying, demands are long overdue and all of these groups that have benefitted from us putting in the work need to be the ones paying us back for the blessings we've bestowed on them thus far. I have no faith in that happening, but they're still asking and receiving help from the dumb among us. That must change. Some of these non-Black people even have the audacity to try and demand or guilt us into helping them when all they give us are their asses to kiss.
They don't really care about you, because you're still in the same position, but the Black people who go out and help them are enabling them. That's why they feel entitled to everything we have. Cut them off, especially if you want something left for yourself and future generations to come.