That's the problem with being buddy buddy and pals with people outside of our group. A lot of anti-Black serpents want us to forget the past and the present, so that our children won't seek for their children to suffer the sins of their forefathers in ANY capacity. They want their children to be able to slither around OUR children, steal ideas, get swag, get cred, and all this other stuff so that they can use it for their betterment. Whether it's starting a company, becoming a music producer, music artist, starting a tech company based on stolen ideas, and so on. Harder for them to move that way when YOU AND your children don't allow them to get near and instead get on guard when they come around. That's what happens when we go around.
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Your dependence is part of their generational wealth
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Chess Pieces
I'm FBA, but I love seeing the White Hispanics feeling the heat by the more melanated ones, and I think the leaked audio amplified that. I know some have been vocal, but for all the Hispanics out there who felt like ya'll were one big happy family working against FBA, how do your asses feel now? The same question applies to other groups, and you so-called Black leaders who are more so sheep dogs to keep us going to these God Damned polls with no tangibles as a result.
I'm curious to see where this goes, and what this means for the darker skinned Hispanics who did all that riding for Mexican pride on while the Whitexican's walk away with more benefits. A number of you play yourselves right along with other Latino groups and PISS on your own melanin when you should be proud of it, but that's entirely on you if that's what you desire.
If you want to be treated like more than a door mat for the Whitexicans to clean their boots off on before they step into opportunities that you are LESS likely to get, you better get like us and never ever consider working against Foundational Black Americans.
I've seen, and still continue to see this process where a restaurant will start off with Black managers and employees. They let one Latino manager in the door on some Black and Brown coalition, and it turns immediately into the Black and Brown coalition where the Latino manager only hires their people. You can't eat when they're on that Nury Martinez shit to weed you out, and you won't be able to eat for long trying to feed everyone outside the FBA community.
What Black and Brown Grocery stores do you see? I've mentioned this I don't know how long ago, there are so many grocery stores owned and operated by people who identify as Hispanic or Latino. The same can't be said about us, and America keeps trying to pump them in. We can use this pain point to push against the Nury Martinez's of the world in regards to darker skinned Hispanics to break up that fake unity, it would make it harder for them to make a move. We also need to be pushing all news related to crimes Illegals have committed in the face of White America and everyone else who should have a problem with it, this would make it harder for the Democrats to try and pull off all this bullshit to undermine and replace us with these criminals.
If they're doing something illegal, it's criminal. You don't want them coming over here treating you like the melanated people in the homelands they fled from because they're too lazy to build the way we did here do you?
I was notified by someone that an Illegal by the name of Lucio Catarino Diaz, was snatched up by ICE recently for sticking his penis in a woman's water bottle and pissing in the water cooler at that Westmont Medical Building in Houston.
He gave this woman an herpes and most likely infected others with the STD after doing this sick shit. Now this woman who is married with kids has to live the rest of her life with some shit she didn't have until he was allowed to come over here and get that job to pull this shit off.
This needs to be in the face of all these God Damned Black politicians who are pro-everyone except FBA and all the others. This is what they approve of, even if they say no because he wouldn't be here if they didn't if he's truly illegal. One of the reports I heard was that his status was unknown but he was snatched up by ICE.
This CRIMINAL broke bad on a job he shouldn't have had in the first place if he's an illegal and it ended up with at least one woman getting herpes. 11 other victims have come out so far as this was just one of the buildings he cleaned.
Beware this Halloween, because there have been reports of fentanyl laced candy being on the streets ahead of the holiday. Reports also have mentioned fentanyl pouring in from Mexico, how is it getting here, magic? How many of these Illegals do you believe came over clean?
There are a number of things that can be used as chess pieces against these people, it just takes the right people to play several moves ahead with our betterment in mind. Use these chess pieces that they want us to overlook, because the democrats are rolling out the red carpet for people coming in illegally and harming citizens. Plus their getting tangibles.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Candace Owens: Do you know this anti-Black snake?
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Again, Kanye West is an enemy!
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
The Democratic Wing of the Anti-Black Latin Council of L.A. Exposed
I saw this thanks to other members of the Black media, and NONE of you should be surprised because there are too many examples of it going on that many of you see with your own eyes. You don't need to be called a nigger in order for someone to treat you with anti-Black energy. Nury Martinez isn't the only bitch on that council who needs to go, but I'm including a video from Professor Black Truth about this (below).
Sunday, October 9, 2022
A Miami Tail (Part 2) - No Voting No Vucking?
Is this your representation?
1 for yes, 2 for vuck no.
They want you desperate for a dollar so that you're willing to participate in anything that's powered by White Supremacy. The goal is for the betterment of White people and their non-Black minions, not you (even if you're one of their Black attack dogs).
When you see things like getting your booty to the polls, and this garbage, what do you think?
They thought this boochie booper fuck boy and this washed up non-FBA whore who called Black people "Animals", could get you to go to the polls by doing something no other community would accept. Ask yourself why they want you to accept it?
They still have my Twitter Account locked down, but I think the Latino Caucus, the Asian Pacific American Caucus, and others should be asked for the links that lead to their versions of this "No Voting No Vucking" video. I would love to ask them to put it on blast on Twitter, but maybe some of you can ask them on there. I'll reach out elsewhere and post if they respond.
They tried to stall me out and prevent me from submitting my appeal. If you end up in this situation, hit the reload button next to the headphones. Even if you have to do it a few times.
Going back to that tasteless video and asking other groups about their version. It's a real question, but strategically it says without saying they wouldn't allow the disrespectful FILTH to occur. They want YOU to be led to the polls with lust over logic that benefits everyone else. For all those feminists who claim they're being objectified, they should be highly pissed, but that's rarely ever the case when it comes to the enemy. Black LGBT should be pissed off too, but that's rarely ever the case. These IG "Models" should be just as mad, right along with the big mouth chicks and their simps blaming all men for the no goods they chose. Be pissed off at these people, they aren't helping you better your situation.
Are you looking for tangibles or an "I Voted" sticker?
In terms of voting, I'm not thinking about laying up with a female. That's not the time and place for those thoughts. You know what's sad though? If they had females on their knees at each voting booth station topping off men, a lot of thirsty fools would go. Since that can't happen, some men are forced to at least look like they're on-code. As for the bag chasing broads out here, the fact that you aren't getting anything out of this election should tell you its a waste of your time. Chelsie, Illegal Maria, X-MAN Paris, Kamala's cousins, Israeli Emily and Jitka are getting those tangibles from your support.
So wouldn't it make sense to make the next move your best move and stop playing with your betterment? How much are you willing to bet that Trina wouldn't give a broke square dude the time of day even if he voted? It didn't happen before now.
I don't know how Saucy rolls and I'm not going to find out, but Trina moves with money in mind. Just like that whore who walked through the Turkey Leg Hut in front of families with children and she was butt ass naked. These people don't give a damn about you, me, or the community. They're enemies.
What are these people doing for you as a Black American?
What are these people doing in regards to our reparations?
What are these people doing tangibly for us that's comparable to what other people get and then some for the on-going atrocities we face?
When are we going to get an anti-Black crime bill on the books to protect us from gangs like the Mexican "Nigger Killers"?
Does it matter to you? Are you acting like it matters to you? Move wisely and move safely. Stay strapped mentally and with your power tools as Professor Black Truth would say.
People like these two GOD Damned clowns, need to be treated like the enemies they are because we don't have time to play, but they're trying to run defense for White Supremacy in hopes that you're led by your D or your V to the polls to earn the checks THEY were given. This wasn't for free. Remember that horrible Vaxx that thang up video? Juvi them didn't do that for free.
For No Voting No Vucking, they even have the nerve to have some damn dating app to push it, and you should be disgusted. I think they used Trina for this because she had an idea years ago before the Chi-Raq film came out, called "A Miami Tail". If you don't remember it, it was basically based on her getting a truce between cats in Miami by cutting off sex until they stopped with the violence.
No Voting No Vucking: A Miami Tail? Think!
Basically they want to trade your betterment so you can increase your chances of having sex through a damn dating app is basically what they're saying. You know this was aimed at Black men with fingers crossed that our women get on board with this shit, just Trina's film. You can't make this shit up.
Men, if you need it that bad, just buy a damn "I Voted" sticker and cap your way into a chick's bed. Yeah I said it.
I talked about this before that more Black WOMEN are in a fucked up situation because a lot of these females want to do the opposite of anything Black men say. There are some clown ass men out here doing the same, but the numbers don't lie about the number of homeless Black women. You have to wake up, Sistas are with us but for those of you on the fence because a non-Black bitch got you flamed up against us, you're a fool. When you're out in the cold, who's going to ride for you? You know how some females can't stay away from the street, and they can have a whole team at the house but they have to get out there.
When they end up in some shit, they don't call the people they were fucking around with in the street, they call the house. As bridges continue to get burned between them and members of that team because of the slick shit they keep on pulling, what happens to them? There are a lot of fast ass defiant chicks out here alone claiming no one cares about them but no one is going to sacrifice themselves for someone who keeps running back into a burning building to get a thrill. How many times does someone have to pull them out of that bitch before they understand that it's not something they should be doing?
These grown ass party girls are hurting with all these evictions, they never thought the shit would happen to them. We don't have time to get everybody in line. Don't wait until you're hurting out here.
I posted this on November 4, 2021:
The post covered Black women living in cars and storage units talking about #carlife. That shit ain't cute, and it's even rougher for the women living out of a box, but who are you rocking with before the shit hits the fan?
Are you voting to keep an anti-Black agenda alive, or taking a strategic step back show the enemy we're serious? Denying them your vote is punishment for them. When you spare the rod, you spoil the child right? Well, spare the rod, spoil these filthy ass White Supremacists and their minions.
We can't be the fun house anymore, we have to be big daddy & big mommas house where they come sit their ass down and comply because they fear the consequences. I've mentioned similar in the past with people on an individual level, but it can be applied politically too in terms of our votes. Think!